No just making fun of them.
No just making fun of them.
Good for you. Weird flex honestly “my stomach works” Well for many of us ours don’t work. If I eat anything that is spicy hot my stomach will have me bent over cramping constantly until it leaves my system. Is your next post going to be about how stupid people are for having to use wheelchairs?
If you do not wish to involve the police, then you have to look at your illegal options.
Disgruntled yes. Gruntled, not so much.
Try all work done period. C suite “I made this”
Emotion wins more arguments than logic.
Wait who is hating on Weird Al?! I still won’t forgive Prince’s dead ass for being mean to him.
I think you are forgetting good ol American gumption!
You, you could be… If you wanted to.
Steel beams don’t melt at 3727°F, but potatoes do!
Hi, yeah. Uh long time listener, first time caller. Thank you for taking my question. Yes, I was wondering does Linux do this? I’ll take my answer off the air. Thanks!
While we are at it any one who is irresponsible enough to become a parent shouldn’t be a parent!
When you set the port speed to no negotiate.
Look if I wanted to do word problems, I would have stayed in school.
That fork has a lisp. And I can’t explain that.
It died.
I miss my PH-1.
I have a yahoo address with only five letters.
Visited his grave once. It’s really nice.
Fuck yeah, going to compile me some free Pokémon!