Crazy Photoshop quality
Terrible account name
Is the paper the guy’s holding loss ?
How American do you need to be to drive directly on the beach
C’est une swimming poule
Today I learned that I had aphantasia lvl 4+
Looks like you’re the TOOL, amiright ?
Hehehe fuck the police
I didn’t get it
This is beyond disgusting. I love it
What in boomeristan is this
A bit of convenience. Right, and a liiiiiittle bit of time as well
If a woman was to rate a guy’s sexual perf, I highly doubt that dick size would come anywhere near top 3. I thought people stopped thinking it was soooooo important after highschool or so…
The dude just banged his wife smh
Not sure if it’s a joke because that would be attractive or because he’s a rapist