I mean the man is a lawyer. Surely that makes it legal, right?
I mean the man is a lawyer. Surely that makes it legal, right?
I’d like to add drinking to that. If your hobby is drinking, and you drink several times a week, you might have an issue.
but it’s not an ADHD “pick up every hobby” friendly one
That’s true. I was in luck and there was a blacksmith in town who opens his workshop to kids on occasion or travels to job conventions and brought his tools with him. Maybe there are comparable activities/ offers near you, which I can highly recommend. Not only will you not have to worry about tools and materials, most importantly there will be a “teacher” around.
If you find something and decide to check it out, have fun! :)
Blacksmithing is one of the few hobbies that a guy probably can’t teach his girlfriend because women usually use a different technique to make up for strength differences.
Me, a woman who tried blacksmithing before: Don’t use spring steel or other metals that are hard to manipulate/hammer into shape when starting off. Don’t start with a sword, start with bending and twisting a nail into… whatever. If they like the hobby they’ll stick to it and the muscle will build over time. And if it doesn’t: power tools.
underrated comment xD
Und der Transport wir effektiver. Das Äquivalent für 300l Flüssigreiniger wiegt in Pulverform weniger und verbraucht weniger Platz im LKW/ Container etc. Also auch eine denkbare Maßnahme um den CO2-Ausstöß zu verringern.
Low level explanations for high level PC hardware knowledge.
I appreciate channels like Gamers Nexus, but a good chunk of the information they put out, are just funny words to me.