This is good new if you ask me: more people switching to firefox
Riding the Eschaton
This is good new if you ask me: more people switching to firefox
Thinking dems are any different from republicans is dreaming. Its all the same shit. You wanna better life you got to think outside this left/right box and stop fighting eachother and start talking.
People sure do get agressive when talking politics. No room for discussion.
lmao get a life bro
Thats where tools like NextDNS or TrackerControl come into play.
Just use Revanced app to remove adds from Reddit
yup grid all the way
Humans are good
Noob here. What’s wrong with Haskell and why doesn’t it get used more often?
How is it weird? How is it weird to believe that getting somewhere takes hard work? Please tell me how can one get a better role and conditions without working harder or caring more because if there is one then I’d be glad to walk that road instead. I just don’t see it.
When Im working hard to get somewhere in the company I get shit from people:
“ThE cOmPaNy dOeSn’T cArE aBoUt YoU…”
Yeaah I fucking know the company doesn’t care. But its not like I’m getting a different and better role + a better salary if I just work the bare minimum and give zero shits about everything. In the end some people just work harder for selfish reasons, I doubt its for company loyalty or Love of flowers.
This is scriptism
Russia is actually pretty small and it almost fits inside Africa. Try it out: https://www.thetruesize.com/
EDIT: Ok I expressed myself in the wrong way. What I meant was, Russia is not as big as I thought it was. Of course, it’s still really huge.