There is no movie in Ba Sing Se. Here we are safe, here we are free.
Amazon Smile is discontinued fyi
Martina Hill is fucking hilarious. I don’t understand German but I love her sketches; they are often physical comedy so you don’t need to know German.
There’s never enough regular cheese and pepperoni pizza, and always the bizarre pizza choice that the boss wanted leftover in piles
I’m in this picture and it makes me keenly aware of what I could accomplish if I didn’t just coast by
Just a few examples that come to mind. Additionally, the pronunciation of the individual words included in an acronym DOES NOT determine the pronunciation of that acronym. See SCUBA as an example.
The piece that gets continuously underestimated is who moves in these small initial jumps. It tends to be the more technically inclined, who over the next couple years, their recommendations will lead to friends and family moving as well, at a slower rate.
I prefer Bimothy. Bim for short.