The meme about googling site:Reddit comes out of how deeply shitty Google has let their search engine become.
It was two-part, the other side was that reddit’s own search was so crap people use google search instead.
The meme about googling site:Reddit comes out of how deeply shitty Google has let their search engine become.
It was two-part, the other side was that reddit’s own search was so crap people use google search instead.
Is there anywhere that lets people discharge fines with bankruptcy?
This article is offering less info and context than the press release it is cribbed from.
I’ve never heard of EFGAMP, have they weighed in on the Stop Killing Games campaign?
If two platforms share compatibility then developers can choose to target the weaker system and release on both.
For some games this might involve a bit of compromise and cause resentment with the owners of the more powerful system, but for other (simple) games it might not involve any compromise at all.
Either way there are a lot of Switch consoles in the wild and there will be some publisher support for the Switch for a few years yet.
As an example from the other side of the fence ps4 is still getting titles:
I just had a look at their offer and it has a few issues.
So they keep 75% of resale revenue, the purchaser doesn’t see any discounts, and it can’t be used to access delisted games?
Its a bit of a monkey paw.
Any platform that offers transferable digital licenses will get a lot of customer loyalty but is likely to have mainstream publishers boycott it.
It could be structured so that everybody wins e.g. the purchaser pays less than the “new” price, with their payment then split as cash for the original publisher and store credit for the seller.
That way:
As a customer I would find that attractive but I think most publishers would consider it a slippery slope.
One of my favourite takes on this trope:
to make it blindingly obvious to the viewer that Breakfast Is Happening™?
True, its often used to signal that we have jumped to the next day in the same way they might use a rooster call in a rural setting.
A single copy of the Internet Archive library collection occupies 145+ Petabytes of server space – and we store at least 2 copies of everything).
It seems SKG = Stop Killing Games.
I hadn’t seen the acronym before.
unless they have a real reason for this new one lol
If they spin this so gen10 Xbox games don’t have to offer feature parity on Series S that will please a few people.
People should think of how they can contribute to society
I think that is the discussion that was happening here?
At that point you might as well build another set of roads above the current street level.
Repeat as needed.
Looks like there has been an update
Simulated Gambling:
Interactive activity within a game that:
a) resembles or functions like a real world age restricted betting or gambling service; and
b) does not provide rewards that can be redeemed for real world currency or traded to other players in-game for real world currency.Note: For example, interactive activity within games that resembles or functions like real world commercial casinos, slot machines, lotteries, sports betting services or other betting services will be simulated gambling.
As far as Australia is concerned the mere appearance of a slot machine is enough, it doesn’t need to function like one.
Its a themed slot machine with fictionalised in game currency.
Defeat your landlord in this slot machine roguelike deckbuilder!
If rated today Australia would give it R18+, but it was reviewed before last years changes so it has been grandfathered in at M with the description “Simulated Gambling”.
Simulated gambling seems to have been grouped in as an adjacent issue as some jurisdictions regulate loot boxes.
Balatro is in a similar position in Australia where it is PG on the play store, M on switch and would be R18+ if reviewed today.
Yeah, if you want to have a master list of games available to install then the purchases have to be under one account.
Otherwise each account will see their own list of available titles, if purchases are arbitrary then these lists may appear random.
I have 99% of my family’s games on my account but have placed titles gifted to or purchased by my 8yo on his account. This isn’t important now while we share a loungeroom and set of consoles but as he grows up we will need to separate our libraries at some point.
* technically each account can have one primary ps4 and one primary ps5, in the cross gen period people you use this to lend their ps4 console and library to family/friends but that isn’t so relevant today.
For digital purchases the owning account can login to other non-primary consoles and access their library there (for the duration of the login session). This can be used to share the library when visiting other households but does require careful consideration about who should own each title.
Epic needs to pump their MAU stats to look like a legitimate platform. They know what’s going on and are happy to pay.
What I don’t know is what they actually pay the publishers.
It sounds dangerous.
Don’t you need the playerbase to attract and retain the whales?