You mean old Ubuntu?
You mean old Ubuntu?
Bin aus Süddeutschland und kenne “Bubatz” nur von Feddit.
Fand den timedatectl
Also passen wir am Besten unsere gesamte Gesellschaft an die Bedürfnisse von Computern an?
Nein, aber ich hab grade nochmal nachgezählt: Ich habe einen Schritt.
Im Winter gewinnst du eine Stunde, im Frühjahr musst du früher raus.
Do you want cats on your desk? Cause that’s how you get cats on your desk.
I fixed a boot issue from the grub command line for the first time.
Ich stand letzte Woche ganz kurz vor dem Burnout und hab angefangen zu heulen als jemand wollte dass ich noch kurz beim Verrücken von 2 Tischen helfe. Über Ostern mache ich genau gar nichts. Ich sitze vor dem Haus und lese “The Last Kingdom” von Bernard Cornwell. Und zwischendurch streichle ich meine Katze.
If Christians could agree with each other about what’s in the bible, history would be a lot more boring.
In Lom Stave Church, a Norwegian church from the 12th century, there are Nordic runes carved into the wooden wall, right below the ceiling.
They read:
“I was here, all the way up in the corner.”
“If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying ‘End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH’, the paint wouldn’t even have time to dry.”
– Terry Pratchett, in The Thief of Time
Beides möglich
The Christian explanation for this is that god doesn’t do evil, people do.
And god created people with free will to do evil. If he made people stop doing evil deeds, they would be his puppets, not free-willed humans. So he has the power to end all evil but chooses not to.
Now as for why god allows natural disasters, diseases and other tragedies to befall his creation – again, that’s just the consequence of our actions, cause a woman gave an apple to her man in the past.
Because Windows 10 Support runs out next year.
With the current Windows 11 installer this doesn’t work anymore.
But you can download the ISO, use Rufus to create a USB boot stick and disable all the requirements (account, RAM, TPM, CPU generation) in Rufus’ options. Also lets you auto-deny all telemetry options and create a user account without prompting.
Though these days, you might get to recommend Linux anyway by saying “you should use wsl2.”
You really really shouldn’t. It sucks in a number of ways neither Windows nor Linux do by themselves.
Yes. Now if you use apt to install Firefox or Thunderbird, it will reinstall snap and install the snap versions of those programs.
If you blacklist snap, it’ll throw an error when you try to install Firefox or Thunderbird cause it can’t resolve their “dependencies”.
You’ll have to install those programs from outside of Ubuntu’s repositories, and the list of affected programs is growing.
Ubuntu’s stated goal is to eventually use snap for all userland apps.