Well I’m glad I managed to hear about it before they do! LA DX was my first Zelda game. Time to relive some memories in HD!
Never reproach another for his love:
It happens often enough
That beauty ensnares with desire the wise
While the foolish remain unmoved.
- Hávamál
Even the Vikings knew you should let people enjoy shit.
Well I’m glad I managed to hear about it before they do! LA DX was my first Zelda game. Time to relive some memories in HD!
Going out and actually meeting people, I generally like them. You find most of the time they’re also just trying to get through their lives and managing the best they can. There is a lot more love than hate out there, if you just but look.
Dealing with people in politics or other identity based topics. I would say strong dislike. You find people will hear what they want to hear and try and make your opinions fit in a pre labelled box. Strong beliefs also cause folks to turn a blind eye to evils in their own group. I just wish people were devoted to making these groups worthy of their unyielding support. The world may be a far, far better place.
I try to apply that last paragraph to myself as much as I can. My only exception is sports. I feel that is a safe space to let my inner tribalism have some freedom. But outside of that, I try to be most critical of my institutions and ideologies. In hopes I don’t become the person I hate.
Sorry, I went on a bit of a ramble there.
I assumed the same as you, but I feel I am going to show my ignorance. What about the user name changed your mind?
It’s just a meme that is used when someone stereotypes a group of people (not intending to offend), but the stereotype is is accurate.
basically “how dare you stereotype us, but also yes”.
Oh don’t you worry, I’ve completed it. But thank you :)
I agree, I thought it was great and I felt the art direction really fit the original perfectly!
I’ve been slowly working my way through 100%ing every Zelda game. Done almost all of them other than BotW & TotK.