Pizza is good. Dick is good. Pizza dick = good
Pizza is good. Dick is good. Pizza dick = good
Weren’t we supposed to make fun of it, not compliment it?
That’s what working out is; a controlled waste of energy
Are you saying you’re the workplace bully?
I bet they still couldn’t reach. Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae in their necks as other mammals. This makes their necks very stiff, compared to their lengths. For reference, look up giraffes drinking.
Even bigger piece 😋
I’d argue Wh is a complete waste. Just use J, which is the much more established unit.
But SSD is solid state drive, not solid state disc/disk
might cause adverse reactions in humans, such as allergies or severe skin reactions.
This is true for every antibiotic used on human beings as well. All of them can give you severe skin reactions or you might develop potentially deadly allergies against them. It might be rarer with the ones we use regularly, I don’t know, but it happens.
Why would you want to open your last closed window?
And some diseases are renamed and actively encouraged to not use the old name. A prime example is granulomatosis with polyangitis, formerly known as Wegener’s granulomatosis. Wegener being a nazi might be a reason for this particular change…
Everything except hydrogen. And technically, only elements that are heavier than iron necessarily come from exploding stars. The lighter elements are made in non-exploding stars and could, at least theoretically, be distributed across the universe without a supernova.
In between is the best place to be!
Free from additives?
Doing great work! The fewer working cars, the better!
Depends on what you think it means.
Wait, what? I have no idea what advil is, but sugar coating any drug is a recipe for disaster.
I agree though, too expensive for day to day consumption.
Good. This liquid sugar shouldn’t be part of anyone’s day to day consumption. Occasional treat? Sure! But no more than that.
“av ord motsvarande HAND och SKO”