Came here to say this Same Upvoted Bro just made a good post Only right answer Underrated post
Came here to say this Same Upvoted Bro just made a good post Only right answer Underrated post
Sony has never been a consumer friendly brand. This is a bad move.
In german media there is so much content about america even I sometimes get confused whoch country I actually live in.
The sony wf series sound honestly amazing. Not very repairable though. That counts for every brand though.
Well berlin is certainly a different place than the rest of germany. They are famous for their “berliner schnauze” like new york or paris are famous for honest and/or rude people.
For example?
Yeah what annoys me aswell is that I don’t like to type anything into the search field so noone can steal my data, buttfuck go refuses to give me results that way
It’s something that you just get used to. When I had to travel long distance in a cramped bus daily I used to sleep on the way. The effect was so strong I from doing this every day that I really had to fight falling asleep in every bus I rode on after that. Now the habit is gone again.
This is amazing. Thank you.
Oh yeah I loved it when fhey broke the battery of their earbuds for thousands of customers with an update and then refused to fix it with costumer service. People should go to jail for breaking that expensive shit.
Also sony makes their products less repairable with each iteration, they are a shitty company.
Thats is an incredibly unrealistic take.
I never watch Trailers fully. Just 30seconds to get a feel of the movie.
Wenn man mal nachts mit den fahrrad unterwegs ist merkt man erst wieviel platz wirklich da ist. Herrliches Gefühl im Vergleich zu tagsüber.
Ant the comment has 40k likes
the adjectives on the tip options are so weird lol What a shitty system to even exist
I get how people didn’t like them. But I had a ton of fun doing the NCPD busywork. The gameplay was engaging enough to entertain me. If you don’t have a lot of time to play video games ut’s sometimes frustrating to watch an hour of cutscenes and only play for a couple minutes. The story was great but it gave me the option to just play.
Good thinking to get offended before preventively. Really well prepared guy.
You are taking this way to seriously
Da wo die Alternativen da sind fahren aber auch viel zu viele Autos. Siehe jede deutsche Großstadt.
It is not possible at all. No one familiar with German law and culture think this. This is not a talking point I have ever heard discussed seriously. There ist probably hundreds of reasons why it could never happen. Our legal framework ist very strong and we have a strong civil framework of resistance in case something goes in that direction.