That might be a regional thing. 20 years ago I was calling them vhs’ living in Nevada but idk about others.
The company has gotta compensate for inflation somehow, right? They dont want to actually pay their employees, no no no, that would cut into profit. They have to make even more money so they push it onto the customer. Agreed honestly fuck this shit.
I would say a peaceful change by vote of the people (not politicians) would be a better way than violent revolution. Violent revolution can be justified, but it will end up hurting many people and destabilizing a country. War from internal and external parties would be garunteed. Peaceful revolution is not an easy nor even plausable outcome, but it would harm far fewer people.
Im curious: How does not voting show you wish for revolution? My view is that I’d rather vote for someone who is working within the system (corrupt and broken though it may be) than someone who wants to tear it down and install a dictatorship. Not voting just means you’re complicit and signals you don’t prefer one over the other. I don’t like either, but i definitely have a preference.
Yeah, it seems so, i personally don’t like our system either, but that would have to come down to a vote from the people to tear it down and start over. People dont get to force the issue like trump and many extremists, and apparently, like this other person wants.
Sooooo, basically what trump tried, but its somehow okay because you said it?
I don’t like either candidate, but I’ll be damned if trump is going to be president again and project 2025 comes to fruition.
So dont be like them! That is the point!
And let’s be realistic here: zealotry, whether its religious or ideological, will always happen. My point is that you shouldn’t punish the many for the crimes of the few.
Defensive action is justified. But not when it affects the bystanders who did no wrong.
Yes, some people in religions can hold delusional beliefs. However, there are also people who release their delusions and instead hold onto unfalsifiable beliefs. There are also people who try to merge their religion into reality and are willing to change their mind on the attributes of their religion. However, there are many aspects of religion that do not have proveably false natures. There are people who haven’t been shown how their beliefs conflict with reality. You are just as bad as the theists if you wish to harm or outlaw the freedom of religion these people have. You are going after the freedoms of millions if not billions of innocent people because of the actions of some radicals with power. It goes back to my previous statement. You’re advocating a similar thing to what they are.
This shows me how radicalized you may be. 2 wrongs do NOT make a right. Yes, there are some people who have radicalized hard into their religion to the point of zealotry. If you do the same, you’ll fall into similar pitfalls. The radicalized people who are gaining political power do need to be stopped, i agree. However, you can not assume that all religious people believe the same as the radicals. There are a huge number of people you would persecute that would agree with you politically but disagree with you on the notion of god. You are falling into the same evils you seek to destroy. If you fight fire with fire, you’ll see everything burn. If you claim to be morally superior, don’t commit the same crimes as the accused.
I’d like to know what your definition of mental disorder is as that may make it clearer where our disagreement lies. My definition would be a condition that has a clinical effect on a persons psychological well-being as diagnosed by a professional using the DSM as diagnostic standards.
Agreed, that does happen. It’s because christians are primed to believe that outside questioning if it is done in an aggressive way is persecution. Thats why they shut down and won’t hear your arguments when you come at them in an aggressive way.
I don’t think that it is circular. They believe they are being persecuted>someone does something that feels like persecution to them>they feel they have confirmed their persecution. Im not saying it makes sense. It just is how I’ve seen it and even experienced it when i was a mormon.
I’m sorry and I’m not defending the actions of people who believe in chriatianity by saying this but, you cant blame the actions of a large group of people on one individual. You really need to look in the mirror. Much of the things you’ve said are abominable. Yes the things that christians advocate are also abominable, but you really need to take a step back and look at your own beliefs. Or perhaps ive misunderstood what you’ve typed. If that’s the case, i think you need to learn to word things less accusatory and ask more questions. Accusing someone will only put them on the defensive, and the conversation will stop there. You are putting the sins of the many, many different people and diverse beliefs on to one person that may disagree with some of them. I also dislike christianity but there is a big difference between a person and an ideology.
If you create someone, a living thinking person,do you have authority to destroy them? I’d say you do not. Do your parents have the right to destroy you? No, they do not. So why does god have this privilege?
I’m not saying I’m feeding into their persecution complex. I was saying that you are. Telling them that the religion they identify so strongly with should be destroyed just makes them feel justified in their belief.
I have a question, suppose that a different god or being did all the things said in the bible attributed to god. Are these deaths and atrocities still moral? Are they good because god did them? Or are they inherent good things to do? What if you were the one who started the flood or unleashed the plagues or anything else like that? Is the act still moral? Is the death of thousands if not moral at that point?
I disagree with the notion that religion is a mental disorder. I myself don’t subscribe to religion or the notion of a god, but you need to be careful with how you say things like this as this will feed into christian feelings of persecution. This kind of rhetoric is exactly what the christian god has done. Cleanse the unbelievers because they’re evil. Do not commit the same failure that this other guy is. We can’t commit the same crimes as the proposed yaweh and think ourselves morally superior.