Yeah, using the a750 the same.
Can’t wait for next Gen arc with vvc (x266) support.
Yeah, using the a750 the same.
Can’t wait for next Gen arc with vvc (x266) support.
Intel has excellent transcode, even in their igpus.
I use an arc750 specifically for transcode, av1 runs at ludicrous speeds, but don’t do an Nvidia, they kind of suck because they dont support vaapi, only nvenc/nvdec and vdpau.
Yeah, the ryzens are great too.
Full amd will treat you well, I’m running dual xeons and a Radeon pro with an arc 770 just for av1 encode right now.
Next round going full epyc.
Amd knocks Nvidia into a hat on Linux, the drivers are just too incredible.
With the exception of AI, where Nvidia is just plain the gold standard.
Intel is fine, it has exceptional video encoding and works.
Core i3 is fine, celeron can route, but you don’t have as much headroom, or room for firewall rules, etc. Recommend Intel x520 or mellanox cx3 or newer, though the cx2 is perfectly fine.
The bs about bsd being slower is maybe 15 years old at best?
Bsd is a monster for routing.
Run 25gbe routing, still can get by on your 4 core, but I throw some serious xeons at it anyway.
Meh, I like my udm.
I use some of the features, but mostly it just works, and it’s debian under the hood so I just ssh in and unfuck whatever needs unfucking.
It’s vastly closer to a hand-built setup than anything else, and you can spend less time worrying about security.
Ollama, llama3.2, deepcode and a bunch of others.
Using a GPU but man they’re picky, they mostly want Nvidia gpus.
Do NOT be afraid to run on the cpu. It’s slow, but for 1 user it’s actually mostly fine.
They don’t have to, I have Gan chargers that do a lot.
Less pressure on laptop manufactures to shrink as much.
Duty load: the big one.
You’re not just charging an hour at 20w and unplugging it, or tapering the charge, you could be using it at max rated output for days, that means much more stress, it needs to radiate more heat, and generally needs to be bigger.
As for fluctuating load, shouldn’t be as much of an issue, laptops often do their own power conditioning because the battery is fairly rough, and you’re going from 12-20v down to 5 and 3.3 then 1.6 and 1.3 to vcc for the chip, there’s plenty of filtering at each stage and they’re isolated by the smps controllers and input caps.
But pulling constant rated duty cycle basically doubles the size of power supplies normally, GaN technology helps a lot (which is why those little power bricks can do 100w+ now even though they got a lot more dense).
No, I’m furious Ukrainian civilians are getting bombed, it enrages me.
Which is why I am gleefully watching the Russian invader filth suffer and die painfully :)
Spoken like someone who believes words mean whatever they want them to mean.
So by a more modern definition of Nazi, Stalin and Beria were Nazis.
Fine, and Putin?
BTW, the secret to not being slow?
Your mom shouldn’t drink while she’s pregnant, at least not a fifth of vodka every day.
No, I’m not Russian, I’m actually American.
You know, the ones who didn’t lose their entire empire because someone raised taxes on vodka.
I think that’s pretty nazi-esque right there.
But keep trying to rewrite English.
We don’t have the same level of Vranyo they have.
Very Nazi’esque.
Russians deserve everything they’re getting, and watching them get it is fun :)
Aggressive wars again neighbours -
Creating a lebensraum for chosen race -
forcibly transferred populations of various groups. These actions may be classified into the following broad categories: deportations of “anti-Soviet” categories of population (often classified as “enemies of the people”), deportations of entire nationalities, labor force transfer, and organized migrations in opposite directions to fill ethnically cleansed territories. Dekulakization marked the first time that an entire class was deported, whereas the deportation of Soviet Koreans in 1937 marked the precedent of a specific ethnic deportation of an entire nationality.[9]
Racism and racist laws - ditto
Exterminating lesser races -
Ghettos and concentration camps - Literally all of Siberia as gulags:
I mean Beria counts as torture and serial pedophilic rape, so take your pick.
Have I then?
The Nazi Party,[b] officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei [c] or NSDAP), was a far-right[10][11][12] political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that created and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers’ Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920. The Nazi Party emerged from the extremist German nationalist (“Völkisch nationalist”), racist and populist Freikorps paramilitary culture, which fought against communist uprisings in post–World War I Germany.[13] The party was created to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism.[14] Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on anti–big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist rhetoric; it was later downplayed to gain the support of business leaders. By the 1930s, the party’s main focus shifted to antisemitic and anti-Marxist themes.[15] The party had little popular support until the Great Depression, when worsening living standards and widespread unemployment drove Germans into political extremism.[12]
How was I misinformed?
Oh, this is one of those “I don’t like being called names so I’ll redefine words” things?
Not much, I have services that run both externally and only over wg.
Only issue with wg is sometimes I have to shut it off for things like multicastdns, or otherwise that try to look around the network or wifi.
I think you really need to look up the definition of the word nazi…
Nobody from or in any way related to the National Socialist Party of Germany (NSDAP) is currently in any form of power in Israel.
Google is pushing av1 because of patents, but 266 is just plain better tech, even if it’s harder to encode.
This same shit happened with 265 and vp9, and before that, and before that with vorbis/opus/aac.
They’ll come back because it’s a standard, and has higher quality.
Maybe this is the one time somehow av1 wins out on patents, but I’m encoding av1 and I’m really not impressed, it’s literally just dressed up hevc, maybe a 10% improvement max.
I’ve seen vvc and it’s really flexible, it shifts gears on a dime between high motion and deep detail, which is basically what your brain sees most, while av1 is actually kind of worse than hevc at that to me, it’s sluggish at the shifts, even if it is better overall.