The infosphere already turned to shit over 10 years ago when the internet started consolidating towards a few super large companies.
The infosphere already turned to shit over 10 years ago when the internet started consolidating towards a few super large companies.
You got me curious. Passwords yeah, but tax documents? Why?
GNOME disks is a nice GUI that lets you setup disks with ease. Encryption can be easily setup with it.
So when the laptop dies, the disk cannot be read anywhere because the tpm is lost?
If your drive starts malfunctioning, then without encryption you might be able to read some sectors and recover a few things. With encryption you are SOL.
My drives are not encrypted because it’s a hassle if things start going wrong. My NAS is software raid so the individual disks mean nothing anyway. The only drive that is encrypted is my backup disk and I’m not really sure if it was needed.
Just happened to help my 9yo with his homework and they’re learning that centuries are defined as starting at year 1 and ending with a 0.
101 200
1401 1500
My current Android phone has 4GB and it’s really smooth. I’ve got 90 Firefox tabs open and several apps. I’d love to see that level of optimization in a startup, but more RAM will just mask the bad optimization.
Our beloved consoles from the 80s and 90s were built with off the shelf parts, this is no different. Custom hardware in a niche market would lead nowhere.
So many, depends on the booted OS and what I feel like or what the kids feel like playing.
Currently doing a mix of Quake 2 single player (100%ed it on nightmare but I keep coming back to it), Half-Life deathmatch (hilarious with the kids as we try to lay out traps for eachother), Reflex Arena, Planetside 2, Age of Empires 2, OpenRA, Fortnite (kids love it so I play along), Ion Fury, Fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2. Last 3 are story modes, so they take long. Only Ion Fury is linear though, so it’s easier to come back to.
We also got some pretty big balls. Balls of steel.
Check out the Atomium!
How do Germans phonetically pronounce the digraph ij
You still didn’t answer lol
That would be the KVM OS.
This course by the Linux Foundation goes over the basics and I thought it was pretty good. I was a long time user of Linux when I came across this and wanted to see how much I really knew. It’s very easy to follow and well structured
Again, which law? We don’t all live in the USA.
I just emailed my bank, that was literally all it took. When I log in to my banking website I can do it right there, too. I just emailed them because I was afraid there might be consequences, but they called me up saying they’d already done it for me and I should have no worries
Happened twice, so it’s not a one-of, and since I could even do it myself right from the summary of transactions… All direct debit. I don’t even have a credit card, so it can’t be mistaken.
What law? My bank will (and has) reversed charges.
Lots of American defaultism in this thread. I only want to state that outside of the US things can be different with regards to banking.
For example, taking up debt is discouraged, while in the US it is encouraged to get a good “credit score”.