I put some gel drops on my eyes, and could have sworn it was the Orcs Must Die logo
I put some gel drops on my eyes, and could have sworn it was the Orcs Must Die logo
Matters little, word order does.
Normally I’d agree, but the glass just gets real cold when it’s -40 outside. Condensation freezes on it.
I still get frost on the inside of my double paned windows up here in the great white north. No joke, windows are engineered to hell here
Right? To be fair, they used some of the nicest portables I’ve ever seen. Two portables to a class, windows, a semi permanent foundation, plumbing, HVAC hookup, networking, the works. I had to install WAPs in the drop tile, and it was not the worst thing I’ve had to do there.
In our town, one of the schools was just built 5 years ago. They built it without classrooms. Not a single one. They had a gym, common areas, admin offices, IT infrastructure (office with a server room became the councillors office and the IT guy needs to ask permission to use it lol), bathrooms and library. They designed it so it could be made entirely with portables. From the onset.
My guy, can you point out the part that is not appropriate? Is it the hearts? I’m genuinely confused.
Everyone seems to need instant gratification in every aspect of life. No one seems capable of thinking for more than 25 seconds into the future. The pervasive culture of “Fuck you, got mine”, and the rat race to the almighty dollar. I don’t get it, it’s sad, and it’s the driving force behind not wanting children. The world sucks, and I want to reduce suffering.
It’s catch and release, not life long milking. Granted, the survival rate isn’t as high as I’d like (70-90% apparently), but I do also appreciate having safe injectable medicines. All things considered, with a species bias, I’d prefer dozens of humans live at the expense of a… Not crab. Unfortunate though it may be. I can’t also help but notice you’ve anthropomorphised them a bit. I’m certain these creatures respond to negative stimulus, but attributing fear and life long trauma seems to be giving their intelligence a bit of an unfounded boost.
Ancient torture/execution method. Tie you to a boat (or trap you between two boats) and stuff you full of milk and honey, then pour some on you for good measure. The idea is that there are many biting insects and unpleasant things that will be attracted to the milk and honey. Being tied/trapped means your hands aren’t free to deal with them. Secondly, a large amount of milk and honey is a really good way to get diarrhea. So eventually, you’ll have to deal with that, and biting insects are more likely to swarm around you if you’re covered in literal shit. The victims usually die from exposure, but they will have an exceedingly unpleasant time before they expire. Very common to have… Soft tissue areas… Completely consumed before death.
You didn’t need to be a dick, you know. You chose that for yourself.
Real talk though, I own that router and it’s awesome. Can’t say the wifi signal is much different than any other router I’ve owned, but it’s got loads of awesome features I use for hosting stuff. DDNS support plus Let’s Encrypt plus OpenVPN support in one box. Very handy.
Last night, my wife and I ordered Chinese for Valentine’s Day. Cost $100. Tried to tip the delivery guy a $20, and he turned it down lol. He then gave my cat a temptations treat, out of a freshly opened bag he had in his pocket. Dude was amazing!