Alt title: ISPs attempt to avoid infrastructure upgrades unless paid for by others; points fingers.
Nothing new tbh.
Alt title: ISPs attempt to avoid infrastructure upgrades unless paid for by others; points fingers.
Nothing new tbh.
Classic result of a business man in charge of a software company.
LPT: work for a company where the decision maker comes from an engineering background, not a business background.
You’re welcome.
I recently sat in a call with someone ~50 y/o helping someone ~25 y/o…
“Open vim and change xyz” met with “What’s vim…?”
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard while feeling overwhelming sadness at the same time 😖
Others generally dislike me cause I’m a total asshole (not wrong) 👍
I think the thigh high socks requirement scares people away 😓
All my funny replies would probably get me banned, which I don’t want since I enjoy Lemmy.
So instead you get this:
Did you misspell 50 y/o men?
I really hope people don’t think these are the only two options…
Make your own instance
Imagine being in a corporate environment trying to implement an OSS into your platform and having to tell your 50 yo teammate: “Oh yeah, just pop in this Discord server real quick to see any relevant info”. Instant credibility loss
10 kg gold Dec. 2023 = ~$727,591 = $2062.92 * 10 * 35.27 oz/kilo
10 kg gold June 1920 = ~$105,810 = ~$300 * 10 * 35.27 oz/kilo
seems much higher than the respective housing cost for an average home in both cases
It seems to me, anecdotally, that women with a more masculine temperament prefer men with a more feminine temperament, and vice versa.
In democratic/liberal societies you solve your differences via debate
We have too little of this in our current society, I feel like. “Debates” are often just screaming matches and it’s really annoying and holds back progress on all ends I fell like.
Also I wasn’t vouching for being an asshole, just pointing out it’s not illegal XD
Freedom of speech absolutely results in the right for me to insult people…?
Is it rude? Maybe.
Is it illegal? Absolutely not
Python is a virus
Turn on visible whitespace in IDE
Never knew Mr. Beast’s real name was Hunby