The President is behind him too. I don’t like either of them, but I can see why people would want to take a picture.
The President is behind him too. I don’t like either of them, but I can see why people would want to take a picture.
There is an odd feeling of power when you wear booties while walking on a rocky shore. Like you’re defying God by treading where man was not meant to. Even better if they’re sharp rocks.
One of my best friends was a dude from Philadelphia who was a republican who became friends with the mortal enemy of the republican party
He became friends with the concept of education?
I mean, he was incredibly rich. That probably helped.
Maybe recognize that your partner doesn’t ascribe as much meaning to arbitrary dates and that silently expecting them to do something is a toxic mentality. I hope you realize you’re not teaching them any sort of lesson, you are intentionally setting yourself up to be disappointed/upset at your partner for not following the rules of a game they didn’t know you were playing.
Especially these days. Don’t you think it’s possible they have other things on their mind? I know I do. Between trying to figure out how to pay bills, figuring out how to save a little so we can retire some day, thinking about how stressful my job is, thinking about all the chores that need to be done, worrying about the health of myself and my family, worrying about car/home repairs, keeping insurance/registrations/enrollments/appointments/documents all up to date, and the endless struggle of what we’re having for dinner tonight; there’s just not a whole lot of mental space left for reading my partner’s mind and fulfilling their unspoken expectations.
You say this has been happening for years. Ever think that it’s just not something that’s going to change? That you’re expecting a fish to climb a tree unprompted and then getting upset with the fish when it doesn’t?
Grow the fuck up. Be a partner to your partner. How hard is it to say “Hey, I’d like to feel special on Valentine’s Day. It’s important to me.”?
30 years of watching progressive movements flounder and civil action lead to absolutely zero substantial changes has given me a defeatist attitude. What good is getting mad? It’s not like it will change anything.
Found the non-American.
So folks have already explained the stick, but you’re actually somewhat close to one of the ways you can sort of bend the rules of FTL, at least when it comes to a group of photons.
Instead of a stick, imagine a laser on earth pointed at one edge of the moon. Now suddenly shift the laser to the other side of the moon. What happens to the laser point on the moon’s surface?
Well, it still takes light speed (1.3 seconds to the moon) for the movement to take effect, but once it starts, the “point” will “travel” to the other side faster than light. It’s not the same photons; and if you could trace the path of the laser, you’d find that the photons space out so much that there are gaps like a dotted line; but if you had a set of sensors on each side of the moon set up to detect the laser, they would find that the time between the first and second sensor detecting the beam would be faster than what light speed would typically allow.
It’s not exactly practical, and it’s such an edge case that I doubt we can find a good way to use it, but yeah; FTL through arc lengths can kind of be a thing. At least if you tilt your head and squint funny at it.
Cuz even if I’m semi-conscious, I’m still in my warm cocoon of heavy blankets where there are no problems and no people to bother me. There are some mornings I would give up nearly anything for just 5 more minutes.
So, are those girls secretly clayface? What is going on with their skin?
Golly gee, how awful of me to expect someone who volunteered for a position of authority to actually do something their position requires.
This isn’t random bystanders catching flack, these are people who SIGNED UP TO DO A JOB. If I volunteered to help at a soup kitchen and then just never showed up, the soup kitchen has a right to be upset with me. They are, in fact, entitled to be upset with me because I made a promise to help. And then I broke that promise.
Can’t wait for all the pictures of these events with half a dozen people standing around looking lost.
Yes, if you sign up to be a mod, you are signing up to moderate. That includes dealing with whatever hate falls into your community.
The fuck is wrong with you? Oh, the poor little moderators have to do what the name of their positions fucking implies they should be doing? How dare we feel entitled to demand those who volunteered to do a job actually do their job?!
If you’re too much of a coward to acknowledge or deal with hate or drama when it shows up, then you shouldn’t be a fucking mod.
Laughs in usenet
Yea, torrents. Sure. Lol.
Cherry picked and edited to give bad answers. Go play around with any of the big models, you’ll be bored and disappointed because 99.9% of the time it will give you exactly what you ask for.
Except Gemini. Gemini is a drunk.
In digital art, the image itself is not your expression. The idea is, but comparing the choice of shaders you use with brush strokes done with real paint, where you can see and feel the emotions the artist wanted to express with their physical brush, it’s just so… less art?
If you think they’re rethinking their choices, or are even aware of any of the problems, you are a god damn child. They live in a bubble and think things are better than ever.
People sometimes come up with things they think are clever, but don’t have the time, money, or energy to present them in a meaningful way, so they instead make a shitty AI image of a billboard to get more attention than their words would otherwise.
Throws out all my rice, oatmeal, milk, and berries because they all come in either plastic or a box
If someone I don’t like or interact with says they support me, that is not me “teaming up” with them.