You’d think it would be a blow to Bethesda that their sole programmer quit, but fortunately the creation engine is so cutting edge that I’m sure they’ll lean on it just as it is for years to come.
You’d think it would be a blow to Bethesda that their sole programmer quit, but fortunately the creation engine is so cutting edge that I’m sure they’ll lean on it just as it is for years to come.
This is what I did. If you generally know what you’re doing around computers it just requires patience and a willingness to “Read the (Friendly) Manual.”
If you’re running intel, nVidia, dual GPU setup, and some other things, your installation will be more involved.
But the great part is that once you’ve set all that up, things just generally work and the Arch wiki is an amazing resource.
The reason for NATO’s involvement is quite irrelevant because they were still happy to step in and do the work. The fact is that it was ultimately NATO-led and their efforts did not lead to peace in the region.
To call NATO’s involvement in Libya ‘anti-war’ is sheer lunacy.
The invasion of Libya was a NATO-led effort.
Stop lying.
A “harmful ideology”? Is someone paying you to spout this propaganda?
Agreed. His experience might be useful if he were there to engage, but he’s clearly not. It seems like he just wanted to shout down the project and it seems like he was somewhat successful.
It’s Ted Ts’o, the maintainer of the ext4 filesystem amongst other things.
little shit
Though you’re still accurate despite his seniority.
I sleep better next to someone I love and trust because of what I assume are primitive monkey brain reasons.
Well I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some Internet rando think I’m an idiot.
It is degenerative, which is the point of the argument.
We fostered a society where both parents work, often far away from where they live. The time normally and naturally allotted to educating your own children has been steadily shrinking to make room for an education that normally lasts until adulthood. The expectation now being that your children will not pick up the family trade.
For some people, this trade off has been degenerative in some aspects, and that’s why they complain ‘school never taught me x’.
My dad did the same thing with me. It was obviously very helpful, but it’s not like there isn’t an obvious prerequisite.
Not everyone’s parents are financially competent nor will they have the time to successfully coordinate an effort like that on top of everything else they might be required to do.
Additionally, what function do we expect of school? Is it to equalise, for young adults, those opportunities normally limited by education? Then it should teach those things which are important that not everyone’s parents are capable of teaching.
The other point is that school is the main temporal and logistical barrier to actually teaching your children as a parent. Between work and school and the other bureaucratic necessities of life, there isn’t always significant time a parent can spend with their child.
‘It takes a village to raise a child’. Still true now as it ever was…we just seem to have lost our villages.
Some of your examples are just senseless. People don’t have DIY skills because of the increasing specialisation of our society. We’re not at home learning how to fix things, because we’re in school learning how to do other things instead.
This has been the case for so long in some places that a lot of peoples parents don’t have those skills to pass on in the first place.
Anecdotal, but I’m at a relative low point lately and I have set today aside for installing Arch.
But Windows is unique in that it can fit a whole lot of shit in it. Way more than one could imagine.
Minecraft, Chrome etc are a 7 litre compost caddy of shit. Windows is a vast open country waiting to be turned into landfill of human waste.