Sure, I get that, but without land for rivers to essentially mine salt from, the equation changes a lot. Underwater erosion is dramatically less destructive than above water erosion.
Earth’s oceans are in a steady state, where all the addition of salt by rivers is balanced by loss of salt in the ocean. If you removed all the rivers from the equation, Earth’s oceans would find a new balance at a point significantly less salty than they are currently. Though I have little idea if that would be something we consider freshwater, or just “less salty” saltwater.
Salt gets into rivers when material that can’t be dissolved is stripped away by erosion. This exposes new water soluble compounds to the water, where they dissolve into the water and are taken to the ocean.
Over millions of years erosion removes innumerable tons of material, essentially mining the subsurface soluble compounds and delivering them to the ocean. Once there, as you mention ,those salts remain in the ocean. On Earth, this process began billions of years ago and has been adding salt to the oceans ever since.
You can observe this happening in many rivers today. The Colorado River is a great one. If you measure is salinity at the headwaters (or heck, probably even the inlet of Lake Powell), and where it enters the Gulf of Mexico, you will observe an incredible increase in salt. There was an international treaty formed around the US delivering river water that is not too salty to grow crops in to Mexico. The US solved that problem by installing a desalination plant on the river!
However without that land based salt mining process, how salty would the oceans be? Lots of good clues in this thread, but I don’t think anyone has offered a definitive answer.