2010 Honey look, KDs on sale it’s $.50 a box 2019 Honey look, KDs on sale it’s $.50 a box 2024 Honey look, KDs on sale it’s $1.75 a box
2010 Honey look, KDs on sale it’s $.50 a box 2019 Honey look, KDs on sale it’s $.50 a box 2024 Honey look, KDs on sale it’s $1.75 a box
Pretty sure they have already started. There’s been controversy with discord doing shit in the past that was leaning that way.
Oh my the scary question.
Most places legit never do unless there’s a problem. When I do service I’ll usually flush what is needed but I don’t have time for a full cleaning since the customer is supposed to do that.
Corporate chains tend to have actual SOP so they tend to be cleaner in general and will have their lines cleaned more often.
I generally suggest every 4 weeks, and to do it when a box needs to be changed since you are only gonna be flushing the last bit of an old box out of the lines. Luke warm water in a 5 gallon pail and you dunk your qcds with the caps off, run the gun or fountain till it’s clear then start mashing the buttons to get any bits stuck in the line. Pull the qcd from bucket then put cap back on, reattach to box and run gun/fountain till product is running properly.
Tbh, it’s not the lines you gotta worry with soda it’s the gun itself, some places never clean the nozzles and they get gross. Also most of the time any bad tastes are related to water or a bad syrup ratio. I had someone call me saying their lemon lime tasted “dirty” it was a bad ratio, took me not even 5 min to fix.
I’d worry more about the beer though that’s a whole different beast. Lines should be done every two weeks, once a month at the very least. That shit will make you sick if it’s dirty enough, I’ve seen so horrid things related to beer.
I’d say an app or service that allows restaurants and bars to connect with local independent bar and soda techs to request services. Has the ability to track calls, submit invoices and collect payment along with maybe being able to order from suppliers
There’s alot of places that have no idea who to call for issues relating to that stuff especially with how often staff turns over.
Soda and soda accessories.
I’m a Bev tech, there’s two companies that make bar guns, tapright and multiplex aka wunderbar. There’s more options for fountain dispensing but most of my work is bars and restaurants.
Also AMA about soda dispensing at bars.
I would but due to capitalism there’s not much of a choice in products.
I hate when companies just eat an entire industry.
Always love this one, I’d do the same but there’s to many fucking things to fix.
Used teamspeak untill me and my crew switched to mumble. They all use discord now though so fuck the traitors.
I know I’m way less aggressive when im baked. My wife gets stressed out driving with me unless I’ve had a few hoots.
Shit TIL. I was up there a few weeks ago.
People named Johny for one.
Well capitists, the rich, government, industry, ect… Oh yea don’t forget the capitalist boot lickers.
Costco or bust.
Yea but hat also killed 23 baby’s so there’s that. I sure as hell don’t think he should be freed even if it was self defense.
My cat likes pizza so I’m going to agree.
It’s not the technology, it’s the franchise owners not paying enough to keep quality staff.
Language changes, Barbra though she never changes and I read the quote in her voice.
But was the cheese made in America?
Checkmate American.