Absolutely, internal divisions suck. (What people are calling) Tankie and anti tankie ideas have the potential to be useful if and when its not an ideologial snare.
Absolutely, internal divisions suck. (What people are calling) Tankie and anti tankie ideas have the potential to be useful if and when its not an ideologial snare.
Yes, anti-Tankies are verry simmlar to Tankies. However, I think the commenter is coping by being an anti-tankie. Both groups can becone and come back from crazy. People can also safely hold tankie and anti-tankie like beleafs but (like a lot of ideology) run the risk of becoming crazy.
“Tankie” nationallists fail to see the raising over time evil and fantisize the good and the ones who passionately hate Tankies (im guilty of it) fail to see the good slowly rotting away. Then we say the whole country never changed throuout its lifetime, one points to the beginnigng the other points to the end.
Places like the Soviate Union from my limited knolage seem to be a nation with slowly growing leadership alignment problems, slowly using things like nationalism and subverting democracy to flip who should be masters and who should be slaves.
anything to get as far away from rustlang as possible! /s
Should’ve used the new distro, Assembly Only Linux. /s
Im mixed because on one hand, you dont want a “crazy lady in the attic”. (we feed her and don’t talk about her) to fix that you must be intolerant to the intolerant. (in this case, you want to be against intolerance for people who are running windows) Its uncomfortable because it feels like your attacking yourself.
honestly, do what makes you happy. I may eat and breath Linux but its my choice. yours is valid too. I disassociate from anyone who attack people and not their OS’s issues. there are people who just want to make hardware and software better, (FSF is hard to advocate for but I generally do), the losers who verbally harass people for not using Linux are culturally destructive (especially to Linux).
some is warranted, some is not, both sides have a copium dealer, mine is down the street from me.
you can use that logic with just about anything
wheat feeds the workers, which do work, transferring wealth to the top, wheat is a hyper capitalist class-betraying crop!
this was never not a Pascal’s mugging thats not exactly what I ment
If i was, say interested in r/choosingbeggers, id annoy the crap out of any small ungated sub with “I agree” till I get my 100 karma.
Update: i don’t remember writing this