Like taking out seth macfarlane on a drinking bender on September 10th?
Like taking out seth macfarlane on a drinking bender on September 10th?
The answer is substantially different though. 3141 units (rounded correctly) vs 5000. That’s a significant margin that even working it out in your head is not forgiving enough to cover.
Unless I fucked up.
Still a better love story than twilight… 😉
Didn’t LTT just release a video covering this exact topic?
Live action moana remake?
No love for freetube? Started using it a few days ago and it’s actually brilliant. Rather than contunue with the constant battle back and forth with ublock and YouTube, I’ve just taken the nuclear option and blown away the front end. It’s amazing. Loads faster than the Web version of YouTube too.
Don’t go in forwards. Never understood why people insist on going forwards into a parking bay. Less control, needs more room, harder to leave.
I just assume people that go in forwards can’t drive.