God I hope our dear leaders do something with all those cards they now hold though
God I hope our dear leaders do something with all those cards they now hold though
Even that is presumptious. Why would your self in each passing moment be the same? You might die a million times a second and be reborn and not notice it.
Aree, though I’ve seen studies that videogames are closer to 50:50 now than ever. Mostly mobile gaming balancing it out, with more casual availability.
Also I imagine stuff like Sims always had more girls getting into it than boys
All sites are at this point
I feel that a faulty webcam driver that causes a kernel panic would work best. They turn your camera on and you drop from the call.
Packaging for transport.
Jokes aside, fuck genital mutilation
He just seems miffed he’s being outnazi’d.
I literally have 2 full time thing going on, and just got out of a burnout induced by participating in a failed startup, so I’m not your guy, sorry.
Outsourcing companies are already doing that to drown out real applicants and convince companies no qualified people are on the market.
I have no idea. Our company was a very small team, my Director title was not something I’d consider to be serious, I was barely a team lead. I’m just saying that there must be a huge spam tsunami on LinkedIn if they even found me.
I’d consider direct networking? Who do you know personally? IDK if I’d hire an outsourcing outfit from a cold call. Even if someone would, chances are you won’t be the first to contact them.
There is an insane spam of people trying this on LinkedIn. Not judging, just saying it’s quite a saturated market.
I once got a Director job title, I immediately got 2-3 messages like that per day.
The problem is that so is the junior dev they hired to do the two seniors’ jobs who left for less inhuman pay.
Code problems are usually people problems.
.ml people will stand by people resisting the imperialism of one country, and then condemn people resisting the imperialism of another, and still won’t realize they are effectively nationalists.
At least Western Europeans had colonies where people might have moved to the country from, Eastern Europeans could not even travel or be travelled to until 1990.
BTW, isn’t a sellement below 500k more like a big town rather than a city?
Why wouldn’t it? Isn’t HLSL Turing-complete?
A lot of implementations just use a precomputed image because the noise doesn’t have to be truly random, it’s okay if it’s just perceived as such.
Well, there is a difference between the dog drinking some breast milk, and a puppy being brought up on it. Babies get their gut biome from their mothers with breastfeeding, so if it wouldn’t cause a constant diarrhea and dehydration death, it could be interesting and shed light on some human medical topics even.
The thing is, it doesn’t use that much electricity for queries compared to training. So as always, this is squarely on the company, not users. By the way, we are wasting half of all energy going into running the internet on ads.
Wouldn’t that possibly kill the dog though? In any case, look up a nearby biology lab, your ex-SIL’s dog might be an interesting research specimen. I wonder what it does to the intestinal flora of the dog.
I think the problem there is that GPU temps are spiky themselves.