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Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • In my experience, there are three types:

    • Alive and well, as here - they are up at 6am, clearing up, making breakfast, rolling other people out of the way to vacuum etc.
    • Still hungover, as here - the ones being rolled out of the way etc
    • Still partying - arrive at 6:am straight from another party, hoovering up leftover pizza, talking at both the above types and keen not to stop the party until Jan 2nd at the earliest.

  • We don’t do Christmas, but had friends over for solstice pizzas. My wife announced a ‘no politics’ rule at the outset - not because of likely arguments, but just because it can get very repetitive and depressing.

    It was a cosy and enjoyable evening after that - as they usually are.

    Back a long way when I was living with my family we didn’t talk about politics anyway: partly since it was widely understood that one didn’t, but mostly since none of them were consciously political anyway. Christmas meals were generally free of arguments in general. The only point of contention was the mysterious presents that appeared for the children that actually came from dad’s side of the family - with whom he had long-since fallen out and dropped all contact - and that consequently had to be disguised or kept under the radar one way or another. That didn’t always work.

  • From Nov 24th, we progressively decorate the house, one item per day, throughout Brumalia - the old Roman/Byzantine winter festival - in preparation for Saturnalia.

    Otherwise, we’ll have a pair of candles going for the eight sabbats themselves, regardless of anything else that we do for them, but I don’t think that candles alone really count as decorations.