I really love it when it’s especially heavy handed. That’s my shit.
I really love it when it’s especially heavy handed. That’s my shit.
60 years worth of shows, novels, books, games, and movies. The original series follows the USS enterprise, flagship of the United federation of planets, as it explores new worlds. Most episodes are self-contained, where they face off against some threat or mystery on the planets they visit. The sequel series star trek: the next generation follows a later enterpise from 200 years after the first one, with roughly the same formula for episodes. There’s also Deep Space Nine, centering on a space station near the newly liberated planet Bajor and a newly discovered wormhole to the distant gamma quadrant of the galaxy. This series focuses on many episodic adventures like before, mostly from visitors to the station bringing some curiosity or scheme, but it also has longer plot lines focusing on diplomacy and peace keeping, ultimately leading to the dominion war, a battle for control of the alpha quadrant with the most powerful force in the gamma quadrant, the dominion. Voyager is another sequel, following the star ship voyager after a powerful alien sends it to the unknown delta quadrant, and they have to survive and find a way home so far from everything they know. Enterprise is set well before the original series, and follows the early years of the Federation through it’s first flagship. There’s also discovery and strange new worlds, set shortly before the original series.
lemmy is created by and for techy dorks, star trek is for the same audience. Many of us are also communist or otherwise leftist, and star trek has done more for us than any other media. Major Nerys Kira, after which one of hexbear’s admins is named, was an explicitly violent terrorist who helped liberate her people from a fascist occupation, and she never gets mistreated because of it. Queer content on star trek has not been perfect, but was beter than anywhere else on TV for a long time because they had freedom to explore different ideas about gender and sexuality(when berhman wasn’t breathing down their necks) due to sci-fi having the excuse of being a fictional alien species. THe first inter-racial kiss on tv was from star trek, another point in the shows favor. There’s also a whole episode where a characrer becomes a Marxist, so coolest shit ever made. . I could go on for hours, but the bottom line is that it’s just peak fiction.
bird shit
Show me an emotionally charged video of animals being beaten, and I’m much more likely to want to help, as opposed to only seeing some cold facts on a page about numbers of animals mistreated.
and this is my point. You aren’t critically evaluating the situation, as the same thing happens in each case.
ya and it’s better to consider it than not but it shouldn’t be the most important thing. A lot of people are scared of conflict because they’re too empathetic.
That second part feels unrelated. I know a lot of extreme introverts that need something going to fall asleep.
addendum: they believe things which are almost correct or apparently correct. Heavier objects fall faster is not correct, but it is apparently correct because very light objects fall slower than heavy objects, and this appears to be constant unless you actually check and realize there’s a threshold. There’s no world outside of eurasia and africa is functionally true if you lack the nautical equipment to reach the americas, but factually wrong. You can’t get things too wrong without problems, but there’s a decent amount of leeway.
ok but who is this about? sometimes people get bored alone but I’ve never seen someone dread it like this.
twelve phalanges makes four digits, use the thumb to count. Also prettier.
the best thing to do with your car battery is throw it in the ocean. The electric eels use it to recharge.
I disagree, 300% more
that’s just a fact, not an opinion
No it doesn’t. Being able to know how my neighbor feels, which is what empathy is, is good for relating to my neighbor, and useful in more emotional situations to avoid hurting them, but in general thinking about the actual outcome of actions is better than gauging other’s emotional response to them.
holistically speaking shooting a Nazi for example is an act of kindness and empathy.
It is not that necessarily. If the person does it for those reasons it is, but if I shoot a nazis because of anger it is not an action of empathy. Empathy is a motivation, it cannot be brought into an action after the fact.
Empathy is just the ability to see how someone else feels. It’s better to take actions based upon their materials outcomes rather than just an imagined emotional response to it. This isn’t even self-centered, using compassion, which is not wanting to hurt others, is good way to make choices. but solely thinking about how others would feel or have felt is not great.
the way we treat being egotistical as the worst personality trait is classist. Empathy is also the worst emotion to make decisions using.
this is just a fact. Hemiptera is often referred to as true bugs
Side note: didn’t this used to be called :shut-up:?
I’m thinking about ways to implement other mental health conditions. Generally staying on the lower end of severity because I’m more familiar with it, but you could represent anger issues by having skill checks when other characters do seemingly innocuous things, and if you fail all the dialogue options are bad. ADHD could be done with a required mini game of correctly identifying all the steps in a process and having cooldowns between them to reflect executive disfunction. Hyperfocus could be implemented with certain objectives not being completeable, or even showing up in the game anywhere outside of dialogue, until one is. Seasonal affective disorder could be shown with a characters stats just drastically dropping when the seasons change, and the HUD colour scheme becoming more muted.
And first male pregnancy fan fiction, fan fiction rings, shipping wars, and so on. House wives created the world AO3 writers live in today