Hey, man, BBSes could get pretty extreme back in the day. Ask Timothy McVeigh.
Hey, man, BBSes could get pretty extreme back in the day. Ask Timothy McVeigh.
I would imagine it’s not very good. Carnivores tend to taste worse than herbivores.
My aunt had a turkey named Jason that was an absolute bastard who attacked anyone who came near the house. My hatred of him made it extra delicious when we ate him for Thanksgiving.
I don’t think it’s a specific incident, but bison are known to gore people who get too close, stupidly thinking bison are docile.
What kind of cheese is she using?
IIRC Morpheus says it’s around 2199, but he’s working on faulty information because the people of Zion don’t know that Neo is actually the sixth “One”. I don’t think they mention how long a One cycle is, but building Zion itself must have taken quite some time (unless the machines help rebuild it after destroying it in the previous cycle).
How dare you? If I weren’t so tired I’d give you what for!
I don’t think I could adjust to inverted yaw for piloting, that’s interesting.
I’m just happy there’re options.
Not for me, it’s only on controllers.
To clarify I mean inverting the y axis
At least I know I followed the prompt correctly
To clarify I mean inverted y axis. It may just be that I started gaming with flight sims, but I see it less as tilting up and down and more like tilting forward and back. If you had a joystick on the top of your head and tilted it forward your head would start looking down. Likewise if you tilted it back your head would look up.
I should have been more clear, I meant inverted y
Inverted controls are just better.
You must be great at parties(unless they’re serving pigs in a blanket, obvs)
You’re buying from the wrong farmer. Family farmers care a lot more about their animals than factory farms. Just another reason to buy local.
If a pig had the chance he’d eat you and everyone you care about.
Stop trying to invoke the holocaust when talking about animals. Pigs aren’t people. Jews aren’t animals.
Is this fetish art? This seems like fetish art.