In Europe we just have scripts for each lecture. Professors may liberally take and modify content from books so you might sometimes wanna check out their sources in a library but you do not need books.
That’s only due to technical reasons on weird platforms like x86, 64bit x86 or ARM.
You can also append an ess to English words if you want a gendered form. It’s just less common.
The checkbox should be grayed out.
This is just wrong. Demand deportation for naturalized citizens has split the European nationalists in the EU Parliament.
But is a blouse a shirt? I would say it’s not, so free (or no) drinks.
You might want to consider used hardware. Should be ca. 50 Bucks+ drives.
Used drives are quite cheap, too. Just use some redundant setup.
And you should.
It even works for classes whose constructors your implementation cannot see, if you aren’t a bitch about it.
Also, more recently, the barely legal extradition of Maya to Hungary.
In C++ you should never have owning raw pointers. Unless you have a good reason™.
Raw pointers are great, but not for ownership.
Because stuff can own other stuff and be owned at the same time. Also, arcane jackarsery.
Edit: if you want to give a function a pointer that it may change this may occur in a constructive way. I.e. replace an owned object.
That’s not what Bitrate means. They use a lossy compression to send you the video. When targeting lower bandwidth/bitrate you see more artifacting.
Bitrate and resolution do their own thing.
Not playing it, but AoC seems to have a lot of potential.
How is that anti smoking? That’s anti research via trials in animals.
He likely intended to cause terror for the victims minority.
Because a diphthong is fine. Taking a already used character and assigning a new sound to it is going to make things hard.
Also I need you to argue not just from the English point of view, but all Latin alphabet using languages, in particular those with strict rules of pronunciation like German.
Ok, but x sounding like sh is not ok. We need to normalize spelling stuff like it’s pronounced. Otherwise every language is going to become like the English.
Inefficiency may have positive side effects to the point of being not inefficient at all, but different