Let’s hope they can pull it off soon, XFCE really surprised me with the speed at which they transition but it’s a huge project for any DE and we are slowly getting to a point where it’s actually neccecary!
Let’s hope they can pull it off soon, XFCE really surprised me with the speed at which they transition but it’s a huge project for any DE and we are slowly getting to a point where it’s actually neccecary!
As a Gnome user I approve of this comment, some more colors would be awesome, especially if they are standartized through xdg!
When I switched from Windows definitely Cinnamon but by now it’s Gnome, it’s a little odd at first but I absolutely love the workflow!
As a Gnome user, a expansion of that background apps think that properly replaces Appindicators!
Stichwort Insektensterben, ausserdem stuft die WHO es serwohl als warscheindlich krebseregend ein!
Ich hab erst gedacht das ist ein Meme, werd ich definitiev später schauen!
Genau, ich sag ja, eine sehr schwirige debatte!
Da kommen wir dan wieder zur schwierigen frage in wie weit wir als Gesellschaft die Verantwortung auf junge Frauen schieben können auch wenn die knapp über 18 sint!
Yea, I have my issues with Lemmy too ever since the Israel/Palestina conflict got violent again so my by far favorite and most used is Mastodon, to me that feels like a supirior Microblogging site that actually dose things different and doesn’t just try to reimplement Twitter!
Die PIS hat schon vor jahren die mwhrheit der verfassungs Richter ausgetauacht um sachen wie ihr Abtreibungsverbot durch zu prügeln und die EU haltet inzwischen sogar Millarden an Fördergeld eingefrohren um sie zu zwingen wieder rechtsstaatlicher zu werden, das ist kein großes geheimnis aber wenn du mehr wissen willst gibts einige richtig gute ARTE Dokus zum Thema!
If they invent their own protocol it’s probably going to take another year or two before wee see a usable implementation tho, the core components of Bluesky are closed source, well and Threads should be a activity pub app too but I have my doubts if they will ever implement it tbh!
Polen zumindest wieder in richtug Rechtsstaat zu bekommen wäre meiner meinung nach ein großer kleiner Schritt und würde definitiev mahl helfen auch wenn bei weitem nicht so sehr wie wirs bräuchten!
If I am not wrong decentrlization is a very old promise for that platform and not actually implemented in any way…
Centralized serives tend to have server issues once they get more popular so it’s not really a surprise the new Twitter shithole did so too!
Let’s give the Twitter guy another chance, I mean we all loved his platform sooo much before Musk, right? …
In einem RPG wie Baldurs Gate sollte man machen können was auch immer man will, das ist nur noch ein Schritt in die Richtung und das begrüßen glaube ich so gut wie alle Spieler sehr!
Ich liebe die Kommentarsektion, da kann ich mahl wider sowas von gut sehen warum ich inzwischem feddit.de und nicht irgendeinen anderen server nutze!
The terminal is fantastic once you roughly understand what the commands you execute do but that requires a bit of experience and it’s great to have GUI tools for certain things. Modern Linux usually covers everything a normal user should need with GUI tools but there are always edge cases where you have to do something more advanced and I feel like especially those are tough to do in a terminal for new users which is why I appreciate Mint so much! It’s been quite a few years since I switched so many things are different by now but I moved back to Windows two times myself from Kubuntu and Manjaro before I discovered Mint so I never get tired to recommend it. Good luck on your journey! ;)
It’s a fantastic distro to get started, I think the main advantage are various GUI tools for more advanced things that other distros usually require the Terminal for which can be a bit scarry at first. Elementary looks a lot more like MacOS and might be a little more familiar at first while Mint has a fairly similar layout to traditional Windows (7/10), keep in mind that nether of them is a copy tho and you will run into differences. I do think that Mint is the best beginner Distro because of those GUI tools but it can’t hurt to try both, almost all Linux distros have live boot to play with them from a USB stick first so you won’t have to actually install anything to check them out. In case you go for Mint make sure to pay attention to the welcome screen once you installed it, that guides you through a lot of stuff like configuring automatic backups and the driver manager to download potentialky missing drivers!
The meme is good but I refuse to read the xomments below it, I am very close to quitting Lemmy for good already and only look at my own feed and my local timeline by now because the rest is fucking disgusting!