He’s probably a bit screwed in the head from having the fame from a young age, seems unsurprising tbh
He’s probably a bit screwed in the head from having the fame from a young age, seems unsurprising tbh
Oh damn, thats a name I admittedly haven’t heard in a while. This guy had a huge impact on the games I played growing up. Still play the Master of Orion games every now and then. RIP
Love this video. Such devotion to Michaelsoft Binbows.
I think that’s part of the fun of an “ask people” forum, the answers reveal the common understanding of the definition of the question itself!
For example, In this question the term “male loneliness” is seemingly semantically meaningful. It seems to be a name given to the popular perception or understanding of a certain phenomenon.
Rude tweets? At this time of year?
I understand about 20% of this…
This is legitimately the best usage of this meme I’ve seen in years. Termination signals hnnngg
That’s NSFL bro!
That’s some HR Giger shit
Those damn “form over function” people…
Anyway that’s my excuse for lack of home decoration sense: it’s all function-first. Yeah. Totally that.
Ah, I didn’t see the “c” in my sleep deprived state, whoops
I despised it in World of Warcraft, but I actually loved it in The Witcher 3. How I feel about it seems to be at least somewhat related to whether it’s a singleplayer game or multiplayer. But it’s more complicated than that - in TW3 without scaling enabled the whole game becomes piss easy even on Death March so it’s kinda required for me to even enjoy the gameplay at all. There are still many ways to gain relative character power that exceeds the level scaling that eventually you just WILL overpower everything regardless.
Unless it’s basically broken I will play games on the highest difficulty possible, because that’s just more fun to me. It makes each game an epic saga and something that can grip my (limited) free time for many many months. Which is good, because I have issues picking up and putting down fictional universes, I get a bit too attached. I don’t get super emotional about it, I just really don’t have the mental energy to deeply engage with something new unless I’m truly done with the last big thing. (I am also neuro-non-standard, I have heard of a term for this, “inertia”)
If only my happiness supported non-blocking I/O
Seriously? Dammit
Maybe that’s why it was in the trash…
Bang on with the motley collection of technologies coming from HR hahah
Literally me.
Well, except I thought I had the answer at one point, but now I’m disillusioned and jaded