This is the way.
Richard Nixon was great at weaponizing taxes against windfall profits to the benefit of the people. Also, if I recall correctly, this sort of taxation is partly why the US prospered so much from the 40’s to the 60’s.
Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.
I’m single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.
@artbyflashmob on Instagram
ACAB, Anti-War, and I hate both Democrats and Republicans
This is the way.
Richard Nixon was great at weaponizing taxes against windfall profits to the benefit of the people. Also, if I recall correctly, this sort of taxation is partly why the US prospered so much from the 40’s to the 60’s.
99% of partisan voters do this, unfortunately.
At least, that’s the case if you look back at the last eight years. It’s a testament to the grip that the rich have on the poor here that anyone still votes Democrat or Republican.
BUT, I agree 100%. If your politics are deliberately harmful to marginalized groups, it’s pretty fucked up to make the argument that “it’s just politics”.
Skeptical Enquirer
Yeah, mine was an alcoholic for 25 years but inexplicably quit cold turkey one day when I was a teen.
I think it’s just a ton of undiagnosed, untreated mental illness. My mom’s mother was abusive and her loving father died when she was a teen. My dad’s dad died when he was eleven and he became the breadwinner for his mom and siblings, and didn’t stop working for another sixty-five years. (Well, he drives for DoorDash now, so I suppose he’s still working, but it’s a far cry from roofing.)
I actually feel a little bad for my dad. He worked his ass off his whole life and has almost nothing to show for it, but somehow, could never put his foot down when it came to my mom and adding more kids to the family. In most other countries his lifetime of work and owning a business would have meant a comfortable retirement, but not here. In America, no one gives a fuck.
That’s partly why I never married or had a family. I wanted all my time and money to myself and to have more freedom.
I have a home, a good job, and am able to save enough that it’s possible I may be able to retire in my fifties.
The only responsible decision my parents made was to pay off their house. They had over a dozen kids and my dad literally roofed houses until he couldn’t anymore physically. They’re now in their 80’s and driving for DoorDash, in a car they’ve “borrowed” from me for almost a year, that I’m certain I’m never getting back.
And, somehow, despite having no mortgage or car payment, they still aren’t paying their bills on time. (But, to be fair, that’s also a referendum on the US economy and capitalism in general, and none of us can get actual progressives elected.)
Unless you’re a billionaire or willing to shoot someone vigilante-style, there’s nothing you can do that’s going to impact anyone outside of your own neighborhood.
And you’re not going to miss a days pay to protest or vote when you know neither candidate gives a shit about your health and well-being.
They do not, as evidence by the last two decades of “progressive” politics here in the US.
Couldn’t care less about fetuses. I do care about the people carrying fetuses and their quality of life, however.
That progressive people should prioritize economic equality ahead of social issues.
LOL, no.
I want the US to succeed. I don’t give a fuck who’s in charge, and it’s exceedingly silly to me to watch people saying “I told you so” in this political climate, when the Democrats saw their coalition shrink considerably and you all need to find a way to get those votes back. You should have MORE empathy now, not less, even if only out of self-interest.
You’re welcome. You’re going to do great. :)
Ah, didn’t mean for my advice to seem disparaging in anyway, so I apologize if that seemed the tone of it.
Luckily, as others have mentioned on the thread, there’s a ton of great resources online to help you out. You’re going to do great, and when your son is older, he’ll be grateful that you took the time.
I think the two big things I have to add are:
Don’t let the church educate your son on these things.
Don’t say nothing.
If you’re unsure about talking to them about these things yourself, seek out a man you trust, talk to them about it and make sure your values align, and then talk to your son about them together.
You can gaslight yourself all you want, but you can’t gaslight me. My eyes actually work.
It only seems recent because you’re young and not aware of the history of the term.
Did you miss that moment when Elon Musk did two Nazi salutes, in public, at the inauguration, and no one did anything about it?
This isn’t a “they’re calling everyone Nazis” moment. The Nazis are calling themselves Nazis and making it a public-facing symbol of the power they’ve gained.
Call it white nationalist, MAGA, or whatever. Giving it a different label does not change what it is, and that’s especially true when they start raising their arms Hitler-style on national television.
All the more reason to stop voting Democrat and pull the lever for the Green candidate instead.