“We’ve been trying to reach you about your
car’smicrowave’s extended warranty.”
Reddit is trash
“We’ve been trying to reach you about your
car’smicrowave’s extended warranty.”
I don’t want to see most internet artists naked. If she’s pretty and talented, then more power to her.
Having penetrative sex with a woman’s ear is the latest weirdness I’ve seen
She looks too much like my aunt. It makes things weird.
Will Ferrell did a Eurovision movie I enjoyed. Probably not everybody’s cup of tea, but it was fun.
But what about all that avocado toast I am told is the cause of poorness?
I did that once. I got my head chewed off Monday. Some bosses think paying you a salary means they own you. Fuck them. Resist and decline.
Bet she tastes like chicken of the sea
I couldn’t get into the combat. I’m too used to Skyrim and simple fighting systems. Maybe I’ll try it again
I tried the first and just couldn’t get into it. But the game industry needs titles that aren’t full of loot boxes and requiring online connectivity
Think of it as a space tourist game. I like to inspect planets and build unique vacation homes. Main quest? Nah, I’m building an upside-down pyramid on top of a tiny island on a planet almost completely covered in water. Why? Because I want to.
It’s mildly infuriating
OneDrive is for porn
My boss does this shit. Then asks me for a summary despite having already written two and sent them an hour prior. Five minutes later responds, “Nevermind, I put your emails into AI and built a summary.”
I’m still playing Marvel Strike Force. The dev has become Ahab hunting whales, but it passes the time
I live near a big MS office. It’s definitely the H1Bs. The entire city is Indian now.
That’s why you get snakes. They keep the bugs away