So you can actually get transaction information of your own account via an API via psd2?
So you can actually get transaction information of your own account via an API via psd2?
I’ll take a look, thank you
Is the free API part actually true for Sparkasse? I was not able to find an API solution for them. I did find something, but beyond a certain step, there wasn’t an actual API.
macOS is mostly the same as Windows in terms of updating Applications.
The App Store is more prevalent than Microsoft Store, but you can still download an executable for most programs from the browser. Installing is a bit different since you drop the file into the app folder instead of actually having an installation executable.
Then there is homebrew, which is an unofficial package manager, which I am using for everything, if available (which is almost all the time)
I’m running the win 7 wallpaper on my MacBook currently, lol
I am hosting a few services on my LAN over IPv6, except for Plex, which I am tunneling through IPv4, since Plex itself used to have issues with IPv6.
It’s always funny when friends complain that one of my services is down, it was 100% IPv6 not working/enabled/willingly disabled on their site yet.
Wow, I’m feeling old.
Oversized is trending now haha
What are you guys actually using?
Well, if it gets the job done. I’d only argue about maintainability there maybe, as other devs get involved.
In my final apprenticeship work, I also only used vanilla php and argued that it would take too much time in this project to evaluate and learn a framework and that I know the vanilla way pretty good, so it’s valid this way around.
Yeah, true. Tbh I use a lot of my “main” software in full screen, but I mostly use fullhd
There’s a point somewhere here, but people using apps in full screen with this screen are stupid
if buying isn’t owning piracy isn’t stealing
Last year I had a module for ai stuff. We did things in Python and I am quite into doing things as coding standards say. My mate didn’t really care so much and just went for his style of doing things, also not really worrying about descriptive names etc.
Well, let’s say, we weren’t having a good time.
I also realized that I was probably too harsh and tried to go a bit more easy on it later, but many things just felt wrong.
This sounds nice
Thanks for giving informations :)
There’s a snow car? 😂
If the car is only a skin and doesn’t change the physics, I’m liking that. To me doesn’t make a difference, since I’m not playing that much, but I feel like that would destroy it for a lot of dedicated players. I just like the new skin being a bit more of a"normal car".
I had Gboard for some time on iPad, as I’m on the Google product island, but it looked weird because it was in material design and the rest of the UI mostly was default Apple design. I think it also had some quirks to it. And at the end of the day, you don’t type as much on a tablet anyway, so I am just using the default keyboard again.