Hell yeah DT!
I wish I could upvote this more.
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Shut the fuck up, Donnie. You piece of shit
I really hate them. There’s something very disturbing about them.
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Lol no. That’s not at all where the current state of things is. Yes, you do have localized echo chambers where people repeat their insane little opinions about whatever bullshit alex Jones or musk or Jordan Peterson or whomever says. But that represents a minimal number compared to the amount of people out there who are vastly knowledgeable and studied and experienced in the things they do. Your hyperbolic hot take is not only wrong, but is also reductive and neglects to acknowledge that there are a lot of intelligent people out there doing good things for society.
Good ol’ damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
The inbred is strong on these
I hate that my attention span and adhd make it so hard to read interesting studies.
Someone care to elaborate on what are web rings?
Certainly looks like it’s ready to bite. It’s unbelievable to me that some people think that snakes can be pets like a dog or a cat. Even birds are infinitely more capable of recognizing a person as someone in their lives that is something more than just predator/prey than snakes.
A reply I got from him on a thread below just read like trump wrote it, and then goes on to say that he “literally just said” what I then replied. I’m like mf where??
lol ok. Im sure a bunch of white people got offended on behalf of us.
Someone’s gotta balance the scales
Who even eats Pringles anymore? I can’t remember the last time I saw someone with a can of gross potato dough chips