Depends on the can, if I can press the top in to get the tab to pop up a little, then I will just to that. If that doesn’t work, then a spoon or knife it is.
Depends on the can, if I can press the top in to get the tab to pop up a little, then I will just to that. If that doesn’t work, then a spoon or knife it is.
Uh. The launch happened yesterday per space.com. I agree with shitting on muskrat and oligarchy, but they do enough that we can still be factually accurate about it.
2237 UTC or 1637 their local time on 1/16
Using DDG as my search engine, the first five articles all say the ship was lost as the main headline.
But when government has social programs it’s socialism. It’s in the name!
I don’t think this needs a /s, but the world doesn’t fucking make any sense.
I always have to recommend Vampire: The Masquerade, Bloodlines. Cheesy AF game from the early 'aughts, but it holds a special place in my heart and is a fantastic RPG. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAIR9faz9pM
I tell my boys I love them. Kisses on the forehead before we part too.
“didn’t show anyone playing it live.” Uh. Clive was literally playing on stage during the showcase. Complete with yearly CTD and all.
I’m all for shitting on CIGs trash practices, but you don’t need to lie to get there.
Perhaps I was being overly cynical but last years grocery hike was all of those businesses acting in concert. Which I’m sure is illegal for everyone but the rich…
Without a way too keep them from just raising costs to match, raising min wage has a limited effect. Taxes on profit are more effective. Reinvestment or raises should be deductable, tax the everliving fuck out of gross profit for the rest.
They have a high power one for those bastards.
Does anyone actually want to be in Ohio? If something is Ohio, it’s that vague uncomfortable ugly failure feeling.
I feel that in my soul. I’m a sysadmin, however it’s mostly password resets 🥲
Played since vanilla, took a break in the middle for a while, dragon flight hit the fun of Wow really well compared to the other recent expansions. I’ll probably stick around for war within too. They learned a lot of lessons from the mess that was shadow lands.
You’re probably joking, but this is where I landed. We’re no where near ready to join a galactic community.
I don’t know what I clicked on that. It was exactly what it says.
99%? Are you sure?
That’s interesting… Communism is by definition stateless and without significant hierarchy. I don’t think other Tankies would disagree with me there.
The ideological difference is in how we achieve communism. I would really suggest reading ‘What is to be Done’ by Lenin. It’s a real short read but was one of the things that sold me on Marxism-Leninism vs. regular “Communism is a neat idea”
Capitalism will sell you the “you’re your own boss, go forth an conquer” all while keeping you under their heel. There is no equality or opportunity there; but even worse is that they will worm their way into any system that does not harshly and consistently fight back against them. Ergo the need for a ‘communist’ (or rather pursuing communism) state.
That then leads into “Well how does the state go away once we’ve got communism?” That’s a whole 'nother can of worms…
It’s also a lot less noticeable than it seems in your head when you pause. Taking that extra minute to edit a sentence in your head adds pauses that can also help to draw in people listening.