Same as literally every “secret sauce”
It’s just thousand island dressing
Same as literally every “secret sauce”
It’s just thousand island dressing
More of a grammatical mistake, but “should of” instead of “should’ve” or “should have” annoys the hell out of me for some reason. I completely get how people make the mistake, but it’s as much effort as just typing it correctly.
Amber Isle. It’s like a dinosaur-themed animal crossing except you’re tom nook. It’s a bit buggy, but it’s really cute and exactly my kinda thing lol.
Legit heard someone the other day calling feathered dinosaurs woke.
I think that’s a cat but I’m not entirely sure. Could you add 500 arrows and red circles pointing to it?
Also what are those two white things? I need LABELS
Honestly yeah. It’s kinda a snowball effect. Once you learn how to do it then it becomes easier to learn from watching others.
It’s like trying to learn how to program by reading someone else’s code, but without even knowing what a variable or a function is first.
Wrote my own but it fucking sucks so I usually just use the factory default.
Fantasy is when there’s magic, sci-fi is when the magic has specific terminology.
Didn’t know D still had an active community, that’s pretty awesome. Wonder if someone has ever worked on a borrow checker for Nim.
That’s a lot of words for “I don’t understand the borrow checker”
In all seriousness, yeah rust users are annoying, but I think rust is a welcome change over C/C++
Still the only handheld PC that doesn’t come with a dogshit OS and an abysmal battery life. The deck doesn’t do well despite its low specs and alternative OS, it does well because of them.
I will say I do like the metallic silver. Very 2000s.
Thank you for the spoiler tag, that was pretty NSFL
I developed a taste for IPAs purely through Stockholm syndrome
Raytracing/pathtracing gets a bad rap imo. It’s a really cool effect that, while costly, improves the scene dramatically. Really wish more companies were pushing it, because now that Nvidia has moved on to “AI” I’m worried that it’ll die out a bit.
Ah. Seems like the effect varies from person to person I guess. Are there any studies on it? I’m kinda interested now.
What the fuck did you do to your text? It’s impossible to read.
The burger is fine, but the sides are usually amazing.
Yes. I understand that and I’m well aware of what you’re describing, that is why I said I try not to let my nostalgia get the better of me.
I’m saying I enjoy this aesthetic mainly for nostalgic reasons. I am not necessarily saying this is superior to current aesthetics. I do miss this era, yes, and you are correct that is more about me than the aesthetic itself.
That doesn’t mean this isn’t beautiful or pleasant in some way, and I don’t think it’s wrong to enjoy or explore older aesthetics even if it’s out of nostalgia.
I realize the way my comment was worded made it seem like a comment about the era rather than the aesthetic.
Edit: contradicted myself there. Sorry, it’s kinda hard to get a consistent thought out on mobile.
It’s to keep people returning to the app by artificially boosting the amount of updates.
Either that or licensing issues, but I just wanna have my conspiracy theory.