Meeting someone online is and has been “normal circumstances” for some years now.
Meeting someone online is and has been “normal circumstances” for some years now.
Sounds more like someone who is mentally disabled to me, but it’s hard to tell.
My friends’ cats use theirs. I think they started getting them to by luring them with treats.
Sometimes a little too smart.
A puppy, and no, even though she did die of cancer right after she turned two. She was my joy.
Going to have to disagree.
This is not a comic strip.
Maybe there are no stupid questions, but there are bad questions.
Your neighbor is legally correct, unless the roots are causing significant damage, in which case you can probably get them held liable for repair.
Don’t give him advice, for fuck’s sake. He’s the bad guy in this scenario.
I hope you realize that you are the bad guy in this scenario.
You have the right to trim limbs that hang over your property, as long as it doesn’t damage the health of the tree. That’s it. You can’t kill part of a tree, just like you can’t kill part of a person or part of a cow or whatever else.
Your neighbor is not crazy for wanting the tree to remain healthy. Trees are a good thing for both the environment and for mental health and are important for providing shade in a warming world. Their leaf litter is also important for insects and birds.
Getting so worked up about some leaves that you want to kill somebody else’s clearly beloved tree suggests that you are being unreasonable. Invest in a leaf blower or hire someone to deal with the leaves if it’s such a big deal to you. Or, better yet, leave them so they can help the local environment.
Someone’s never heard of tree law. If you do go this route, please update us when you get sued.
That’s a big part of it, but some people are just loud and some restaurants just play their music way too loud all the time.
My experience in American restaurants is that the music is usually whatever is currently popular, so there’s a lot of hip hop and pop songs about dancing and fucking.
As a person with digestive problems that lead to hemorrhoids, this one in particular feels like a big fuck you.
I suspect these are not as famous as you think. Also, the formatting of your post is not as reader-friendly as it could be.
Drink a bunch of water (as in, as much as you can stomach or up to 32 oz or so) about an hour beforehand and you will really need to pee.
This is what is required when a pelvic ultrasound is performed so that you have a full bladder at first but also need to pee so that you can then be imaged with an empty bladder.
Also, if you can and can do so without overspending, this is why it’s best to use a credit card for all purchases rather than cash or debit. Can’t do a chargeback if you didn’t use a credit card.
My experience with System 76 a few years ago was similar. Perhaps the single worst purchase of my life. I had to send it back to them to fix the fucked up hardware (it had a loose power socket and a bad motherboard) more than once and each “repair” took months. The first time they sent it back, nothing had been fixed. It was more than half a year before the fancy laptop I got from them was in any way usable.
Where the Red Fern Grows