I have always heard that the 30% rule is based on your gross income with no account for taxes included.
I have always heard that the 30% rule is based on your gross income with no account for taxes included.
It sure would be nice if you could report accounts as bots.
Because it’s good raw but it’s fantastic roasted.
Fix yourself first. You will be happier that way.
You get those socks even if you have surgery at a regular hospital.
/c/nolawns (I don’t actually know how to link things, this is probably won’t work)
There are reasons women have very often chosen not to use voice chat in games for decades now. You will get some sort of harassment. Often that harassment is framed as being well-intentioned (“I’m not part of the problem–I talk to girls!” -“Okay, but maybe talking to them just because they have vaginas is still not desirable.”)
Maybe try fostering a pet and see if you want to adopt one. They give me meaning and joy.
I would also recommend traveling. It costs money, but you can find good deals, and it’s worth it.
Why do you think that?
I had to teach my parents how to recycle.
It’s a relatively minor difference, but for decades, I thought the lyric in Smashing Pumpkins’ Muzzle went
🎵 My life has been extraordinary blessed and cursed at once 🎵
and it’s been one of my favorite lines in any song. Except I was wrong. It goes
🎵 My life has been extraordinary blessed and cursed and won 🎵
It’s not a favorite anymore.
The more you talk to your dog, being careful to use consistent language, the more it will understand. And the more it will focus on you, which is good for behavior in general.
A huge part of it is talking with your dogs, training your dogs, and being consistent.
My dogs understand the phrase “let’s go” and can understand it as a combined phrase such as “let’s go for a walk”, “let’s go outside”, “let’s go upstairs”. People very much underestimate dogs’ ability to truly understand human language.
I even had a very experienced and highly regarded dog trainer recently tell me that commands should ideally be single-syllable. Maybe, but certainly not due to any limitation in the dog’s ability to understand longer words and phrases. I can even be cuddling with the dogs on the couch, say, “I need to pee”, and they go running off to the bathroom (have to protect me, I guess).
I have a very hard time believing that the majority of US soldiers would be willing to attack Canadians.
I don’t get hangovers, but I also keep myself very hydrated.
It was fine until we let the south join.
Until the SWAT squad comes around.