I got the joke and all, but just on the side: if you get to the till and you’re still in a call with your friend about their order then you are holding up everyone in the queue and pissing off the staff.
I got the joke and all, but just on the side: if you get to the till and you’re still in a call with your friend about their order then you are holding up everyone in the queue and pissing off the staff.
The exhaust pipe is quite coarse.
I wonder if it’s (about) the same in every country but I stopped watching it a long time ago (over a decade). If it got even worse then there’s no way I’m ever going back, but it was too much for me below that 30%.
I was fine with it back when it was just one ad that you could skip.
I was fine with it back when it was just two ads that you could skip.
I was fine with it back when it was just two ads, and you could skip one, and the other was 5 seconds long. 10 was a stretch, but I’m patient.
Without an adblocker, now it’s playing an unskippable, 10+ seconds long ad at the start AND at the end. Some ads are as long as 20 seconds. If the video is long enough, it dares to abruptly play an ad right in the middle. You can’t skip that one, either. We’re back to television content-to-ad ratios - the exact thing I was happy to dump once there was enough content on YouTube. I was patient. That wasn’t enough for them. They can suck a beehive.
Did I just see a caricature of Trump in the top left?
I have no problem with Steam. I was mainly talking about games that only (don’t) come out on Epic Store, but maybe I wasn’t clear enough.
It’s always available on the high seas.
I so wanted to ridicule the ruble, but Forint is like the quarter of the value, still.
UPDATE: It’s a bit hard to go through every pixel, but what you can see on the photo is about ~250K HUF which is the equivalent of ~600 euros.
There was a doctor working in a relevant field commenting about this. I can’t promise I’ll find it, but the bottom line is that there’s no such thing, due to how plain impossible it is to clean properly around the bottleneck. It’s not smooth.
Quite mind boggling that it took them THIS long to find him.
Flashbacks to the genophage mission. Still brings tears to my eyes.
You underestimate the power of us, print debuggers.
I’ve been using the Casio W800 series (W800-H currently) for the past 12+ years. This is my 3rd watch, only because I simply lost the first two. However, it’s about the 6th strap, so it’s like the AK’s strap.
I had the same thought initially, and unfortunately it wasn’t just GTA. However, IMHO Diablo II Resurrected was an amazing exception, and I’m sure there are others. Plus, the OP’s question was probably about an ideal case and they wanted to know what people have been missing from the past.
Realistically, I wouldn’t expect a decent comeback of Guitar Hero 3 for example, but it sucks that it doesn’t really work on Win10/11 anymore, and while Clone Hero exists, it doesn’t have the same “story” mode as GH3 had, with characters, milestones and such. Hell, you can’t even get “booed out”.
Too bad that as you mentioned, even if there was demand, a random big company would just buy the rights, do some lazy upscale and sell it like it was gourmet shit.
Oh. I was still trying to fit those words to the rhythm of this.
At one point the same activity started ruining /r/animalsbeinggeniuses. Either utterly dumb users, or, more likely, botted accounts started spamming the sub with random animal photos/videos. Then, when I dared to point out that a sitting cat/dog isn’t just genius for simply being cute or by being able to jump far, I often got downvoted because bUt It’S sO cUtE, hOw CaN yOu HaTe CuTe AnImAlS.
I stopped following Reddit content more than a year ago, but I’m not too surprised to see that the same is happening everywhere else.
Yes! I guess you could be successful with Arabic, too; I know it has its own dialects and accents, but still. Outside of Hungary, the only places you can use it is the border areas in neighbouring countries.
BUT if you talk to a decent Hungarian in their own language they will self immolate from the awe (I would).
That would still beat “Okay Charlie, what do you want?” right when getting to the till.