I’m sure that the “three months of work” was completely shit code. Anybody who is unfamiliar with source control (or even backups!) is prone to making stupid mistakes. Republican voters are likely to have a similar experience over the next 4 years.
I’m sure that the “three months of work” was completely shit code. Anybody who is unfamiliar with source control (or even backups!) is prone to making stupid mistakes. Republican voters are likely to have a similar experience over the next 4 years.
The general election is two weeks away. What are people voting for in Georgia today?
Found the Brit.
People like Musk are cynical, attention-seeking manipulators and narcissists. They aren’t afraid that their way of life is being threatened, they’re using the fears of others to further their own ends, and consider themselves above it all.
That article was the most cogent take I have seen on this subject. I have a similar cultural background (rednecks and urban, religious Polish-Americans), but see myself as a science-literate atheist. I have seen this first-hand, but wasn’t able to articulate it as well.
Every morning for the past 20 years. Mostly TWIM, but only for 20 minutes as a formal sit. Lots of short meditation breaks during the day, though. It has made me way less of an asshole, and a happier person.
I took a smoking flight once. It totally reeked. Even as a smoker it was unpleasant. I also smoked in my hospital room after an appendectomy, which in hindsight seems absolutely nuts.
I quit 12 years ago after trying dozens of times. I credit e-cigs with helping me finally wean off of tobacco.
What a flock of raging assholes. How did they justify forcing working conditions like that on you that you clearly did not want? Did they offer any excuse for doing that?
Is this more of an ADHD thing, or an ASD thing?
I don’t like bright overhead lights, either. I was diagnosed ADHD at the tender age of 56.
Introverts: These are usually people of high intelligence who prefer their own thoughts to listening to a bunch of babbling idiots. They tend to develop close relationships with other bright people, and often decline social invitations from oafs.
Extroverts: These are usually people of average or below average intelligence who have difficulty learning new things because they seldom shut their pie holes long enough to hear what others are saying. They tend to share their ignorant opinions with everyone they meet.