Lots of the industrial programming languages are very different to “normal”/“proper” programming languages, and I can see them being localised.
For example, this is (PLC programming language) Ladder Logic code:
New account since lemmyrs.org went down, other @Deebster
s are available.
Lots of the industrial programming languages are very different to “normal”/“proper” programming languages, and I can see them being localised.
For example, this is (PLC programming language) Ladder Logic code:
I just went to look for answers this, since report-uri.com is killing its free tier, and the lowest paid is way higher than my usage justifies. What did you settle on?
The oldest known container: github.com/bib/Jonah/Dockerfile
I thought we were finally agreeing fully! My understanding of the question is “what is the difference between a third (of a pizza, say) and a half?”
1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6
1/2 = 1/3 + 1/6
a half is one sixth more than a third.
btw, I fixed my Kagi screenshot since I’d missed a word from the question (reading comprehension’s clearly not my strong point today)
Ah, you’re right - I misunderstood jbrain’s point to just be about the “relative to the original” understanding. Guess I’m no smarter than Google’s AI.
Yes, and the Google AI response is correct (and quite clear) in what it says. edit: Thanks Batman. I mean that Google’s understanding of the question is logical (although still the maths is wrong as you say (now I’ve re-read you)) and its answer explained the angle it was answering from.
However, I think the reasonable assumption for the intention behind the question is relative to a whole. I had third of a pizza, and now I have an extra sixth of a pizza. It’s subtle, but that’s the kind of thing AI falls down on.
Google’s AI seems dumber than the rest, for example here’s Kagi answering the same (using Claude):
edit: typoed question originally
Perhaps Google’s tried to make it run too cheaply - Kagi’s one doesn’t run unless you ask for it, and as a paid product it’ll have different priorities.
I think there’s a lot of people who would be happy with a Chromebook in computer form, and those are also the market for Linux.
sweet stop
I think you mean sweet spot. Now I’m wondering if it’s a typo or an eggcorn.
My (ISO) keyboards do, under the Esc key. I guess you’re in North America (or Australia) and have an ANSI layout.
Bad wording on my part, I wasn’t disagreeing. My file server has a /files directory because it saves me a few key strokes and because I can.
Is Gobo case-insensitive by default? Typing those seems annoying.
That’s an old image, though - Windows has a C:\Users\youruser setup like /home/youruser for a while now.
I find the %APPDATA% thing way less convenient than ~/.config and I’m quite happy when programs have the “bug” that they still use ~/.config on Windows.
I like that idea of using the different fonts for e.g. Copilot suggestions - reminds me of reading Asterix comics as a kid when they’d use gothic black for the Goth’s speech, etc.
edit: e.g.
There’s kroki as well, which includes Mermaid, Excalidraw, GraphViz, PlantUML, etc.
Yup, I think a lot of people just use their web browser for everything, and they can definitely just switch. Outside of work, how many non-techies have set up their email to use a native program? Very few, in my experience.
I think documents are sometimes the exception, since there’s a sizable (perhaps older) group that like to use Word for everything.
Oh, that’s LAN - I thought you’d put ian and I was trying to get the joke. Stupid sans-serif fonts.
Thunderbird on desktop, although I don’t love it.
FairEmail on Android.
I haven’t used atuin yet, but I believe the histories from other machines is more like accessible than mixed - you don’t just hit ↑ on machine1 and see machine2 commands.
I guess some people might go with f-s-tayb, but I wouldn’t necessary recognise what they were saying.