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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2019


  • Uncompressed WAV files, lol I’ll never get over that

    It doesn’t even make sense. Simple compression algorithms like in use by FLAC or AAC are pretty much free to decompress on CPUs from this century and the cpu cycles you save by not doing wasteful IO of huge files from storage easily makes up for that.

    I’m sure game devs can make some argument to not use ‘expensive’ compression, but not using any is just wasteful.

  • does it support foobar2000 plugins?

    probably not, since those are windows dlls. So here’s a short list of what I’d want from a fb2k replacement:

    • a UI plugin with the power and flexibility of Facets/Refacets
    • browse library by folder structure OR tags (most only do one or the other)
    • powerful query language to actually find what I’m looking for
    • binaural stereo for headphones plugin
    • convolver
    • convert to opus and replaygain scanning
    • DR Meter
    • handle my >100k tracks library without constantly crashing or being incredibly slow

    Most alternatives I’ve tried can’t even deliver on half of those.

  • lol…

    Das ZDF hat sich von einem Tweet des Satirikers Jan Böhmermann zu CDU-Chef Friedrich Merz abgegrenzt. »Das ZDF distanziert sich von der Äußerung Böhmermanns. Der Tweet ist eine private Äußerung von Jan Böhmermann, die in keinem Zusammenhang mit einer Produktion des ZDF steht«, teilte der Sender mit.

    Diese Distanzierung hat natürlich die, nicht so unterschwellige, Konnotation, dass so eine Äußerung durch Böhmermann in einem offiziellen Format von den Zensoren des ZDF nicht gestattet worden wäre. Gut zu wissen, wie es mit Politsatire steht. Blos nicht die Gefühle irgendwelcher CDU “Politiker” slash Witzfiguren verletzen.

  • Xiph really won the lossy codec scene with Opus and I transcoded all my junk to that format. Hitting (my personal) transparency on 128k vbr is flat out impressive

    Same here. I’ve left myself a bit of a safety margin at 144k vbr, but having my whole library at transparent quality AND portable size is very convenient.

    Though, now that opus 1.4 is out I feel a bit of anxiety whether i should re-encode everything from flac->opus1.4

  • For context, LDAC is one of the few wireless audio codecs stamped Hi-Res by the Japan Audio Society and its encoder is open source since Android 8

    LDAC is great, but simply stating that the encoder is “open source” is quite misleading (while technically correct). The codec is owned by Sony and heavily licensed. It’s a savvy business move of Sony to make the encoder free to use though, so everyone else can support their standard while charging manufacturers who want to integrate it into their headphones.

    If we want a really free and open high quality codec, we should push for opus support via bluetooth