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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • There is nothing wrong about an IQ difference.

    Where there are problems is when the higher is annoyed by the other needing explanation or the lower having a complex about needing the explanation.

    If you love it when you don’t get it and they can explain it in terms you understand and they love it when they can fulfill your curiosity, perfect.

    If you hate how they make you feel stupid or they are annoyed that you just don’t get it no matter how they try to explain it, that is a problem and either party can be at fault in both cases. There is the old saying that if you can’t explain it properly, you don’t understand it fully, I feel that applies.

    Talk with them, be honest and raw in your thoughts. Express your concerns about how you, as you are, may be less than they deserve. If they love you, they will try so damn hard to express themself so that you understand.

    You shouldn’t be asking the internet, ask them. Your insecurity or anxiety is not for us to cure, your partner is the only one that can beat that into your thick little skull. I joke, but really, there is no comfort or validation strangers on the internet can provide that beats your partner saying how much they love and appreciate you for you regardless of your flaws or shortcomings.

  • Local grocery stores. There are mom and pop type ones in some places, but most are going to be chains these days. In a nearby town was a single location family owned grocery store that was very popular despite being just down the road from a major regional chain, it failed because the real estate market and shopping trends in COVID made it impossible for them to stay open; it is now a very busy Whole Foods. So small family owned grocery stores are dying.

    The thing is that shopping entirely local is very hard to do and even harder to do if money is a concern. You have to make compromises like driving twice as far or spending twice as much.

    Those boutique stores are often failing because they can’t compete unless the town is a tourist spot or there is a wealthy enough population for bored housewives to have their operating costs subsidized.

    If you really want to go local, meaning locally produced products, then you will have to do your shopping online or contact the company to see if their products are in any stores.

  • Nearly beat it, not a great game 5/10.

    The environments are nice and fun to explore.

    Story is mediocre. Dialog is tiresome, I started button spamming to get through a lot of the conversations that didn’t matter. Combat is nothing remarkable, no matter the weapon combos, and the enemies are just damage sponges with no real tactics necessary to defeat a given enemy. Magic is kind of cool but you have to really spec into mage to get there. The immersion is about as deep as a puddle on flat concrete.

    It is one of the games of all time, a game you could not play and miss out on nothing.

    Edit: Just beat it, terrible ending that feels like it was tacked on last minute to provide some sort of conclusion.

  • I have heard it from a credible source who relayed a first hand experience going through with it. I have no reason to question either telling, as it was more of an embarrassing story and it is a practice that is known to occur near Amish areas from time to time.

    You obviously couldn’t volunteer someone, you aren’t a king entitled to prima nocta.

    I have no idea how your one-sided throws of passion would be recieved by the elders, as the account I heard was rather embarrassing and barely effective in immediate results. My understanding is the elders are there to prevent sexual assault or improper conduct, probably somewhere between a cucking and a urinalysis observer’s dutiful gaze.