What a pointless article.
“Set a PIN, it’s already encrypted.”
Mastodon @davidga@mastodon.xyz
What a pointless article.
“Set a PIN, it’s already encrypted.”
MagSafe magnets are in the dock, not in the case.
Always remember that anal-ysts are called that because they pull stuff out of their ass.
The sensor noise would be distributed evenly, and not clustered around the rod like bees.
DMA is focused on preventing “gatekeepers” from unfairly favoring their own services and promoting interoperability.
This article is a month old, and Logitech has already added an option to disable this feature.
You are failing to understand the distinction between deliberate and necessary.
MacRumors really embarrassed itself by pretending that bendgate was already happening, before the iPad had even begun shipping. Disappointing how far that site has fallen.
Read the whole story. They’re not slowing your phone down because it’s old, nor are they doing it deliberately. It’s to keep your phone working if your battery is worn out.
I swear, people never let the facts get in the way of a good hate-jerk about Apple.
Literally never true.
Lemmy is a federation of servers. “Lemmy” is not one political group with one viewpoint. If you’re looking for different viewpoints, try different groups, or different servers.
In another comment you said this about the comments you read:
they’re made in bad faith
I don’t think this is true. I think that what you think is “bad faith” is actually “people who disagree with me”. So far, most users of Lemmy appear to trend politically left by American standards, but that’s only because American standards are so absurdly skewed to the right that it appears to stand out. By American standards, “truth” is left-wing.
Ask yourself what you’re actually looking for.
The ad says “Lots of storage FOR PHOTOS”, specifically.
If we assume that the typical iPhone photo is 4MB (they’re almost always less), and you use half your storage for photos, ((128/2)*1024)/4 is 16,384 photos.
I’d argue that’s quite a lot.
You’re insane.
I have faith that Apple would do this right. Your phone is unlikely to hit Google directly for AI stuff. It would be just another iCloud service.
This makes no sense. The battery isn’t in the Vision Pro. There’s nothing in there to get hot while charging.
This is not “enshittification”. How quickly that term is coming to mean “anything I don’t like”.
The deal Microsoft does with OEMs gives them a discount only if they pay Microsoft for every PC they sell, whether or not it actually comes with Windows.
The App Store requires developers to indicate what personal data is tracked, even before you download the app. Similarly, they prevent the listing of scam apps at all.
Sideloading apps will have no such protection.
Paying for a YouTube ad blocker instead of just paying for YouTube Premium seems a little silly.