Because the blades I get aren’t packaged this way. Is that a reusable outer package? I’ve never seen anything like that.
Because the blades I get aren’t packaged this way. Is that a reusable outer package? I’ve never seen anything like that.
If you use an electric beard trimmer to cut the long stubble down first it works better. Any razor does, but especially safety razors, since there’s only one cutting blade per side and when it’s clogged with longer hairs must be fully cleaned out for a perfect shave.
As someone whose grandfather was a carpenter for Gillette in Massachusetts from after WWII until a few years before his death, I’ve got to say that while i use safety razors because of the price, I do get a far superior shave in less time with the “fuck everything it, we’re doing five blades” (basically the 3+ blades modern razors). I just don’t like having to take out a second mortgage for refills.
I’m just flat wrong. I’ll own it :)
I thought skoda is just Eastern European for VW? In 2000 all of the cabs in Israel were skoda which were just rebranded jettas.
I have a metaboHPT Brad nailer and it was absolutely the most affordable I could find outside of harbor freight level, and at the same time one of my highest quality tools. Truly a joy to use.
Green vs Blue.
The Lidl tools give me some serious Harbor Freight vibes.
Wait TTI does dewalt too? I thought dewalt was same co as Milwaukee.
I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop and for a Belgian or something to drop in here to say that they’ve had fully interchangeable batteries for the last twenty years, and then make fun of us for building houses out of wood because we didn’t clear cut our continent.
Metabo for the win!!! I’ve got a metabo pneumatic brad nailer and it’s high quality, light, and affordable AF.
Jesus thats got to be a defect on a scale that impacts an entire run or something. Do they use cintered aluminum in their pump housings or something?!
And sometimes the harbor frieght is a direct clone of the name brand but for inferior plastic parts where the name brand would have metal. You can often upgrade the knockoff to be a near equivalent.
Maybe where you’re from. DeWalt is the premium brand, Milwaukee is the second tier from the same manufacturer.
Disappointed metabo isnt represented. Used to be hitachi? I’ve got a pneumatic brad nailer from them and it’s both wondrous and affordable.
Since 2000, they’ve used all-American steel vs. our quarters, which are copper at the core. PS: I don’t really know if the Canadian quarter’s steel is all-American, I just like the ambiguity of the statement.
You forgot the frikandel speciaal.
There is a cover on it. Also a stylus was included. Don’t know how much protection the cover affords, but at least they have a fighting chance of figuring out how to play the record since the stylus was included.
I try to remember to use the old paper, but usually I despose of them in a cardboard toilet paper roll with one end pinched shut.