I’m glad you’re commited to downvoting these posts for somewhere between 2 and 27 years.
I’m glad you’re commited to downvoting these posts for somewhere between 2 and 27 years.
Wow that’s a long shower.
Piney and Sticks
You can use bad words
I only use it in the browser to join meetings because an external client uses it. But in my experience it’s buggy whereas Slack and Zoom just work.
Gotta tune your turtle for more horsepower, not more torque.
Those sometimes do change randomly.
Was your next job in a related field or did that event make you change careers?
Unless this person happened to be born outside of the USA.
I prefer the Panzer myself.
Peeping Tom, being Frank, Ruthless, smart Alec. I like to think that each saying started out with a particularly notable person.
Your fan went through 7 layer burritos of hell?
Unless there’s a prepaid duty program like eBay, Amazon, and Rockauto has, nope, it’s a suprise. I got an email from Fedex saying I owe $50 before my package can be delivered. Not much choice in the matter as they have your goods.
Duties are paid on the value on the item. If not, every business would “gift” you the goods and charge you to buy an unrelated digital membership or jpeg download or something.
This is funny, because as a Canadian, we experience this on everything above $100 that we order from the US. Either find a Canadian supplier or get ready to pay hundreds in duties. I just paid over $100 to ship a $200 package that’s arriving today.
You wouldn’t typecast a car.
Is that why they sleep at knight?