I see this, realize that it must be nearly impossible to clean those monstrosities and just say “hell no”.
I see this, realize that it must be nearly impossible to clean those monstrosities and just say “hell no”.
If you look around the world, it seems to me that the information age was quite short and the disinformation age has long since begun.
Yes, these compount words might be the reason why we couldn’t get rid of the damn Nazis for good: After the Second World War, we Germans ourselves probably didn’t understand what the purpose of the “Entnazifizierungsbehörde” (authority to combat National Socialist ideology) was and, accordingly, could not really grasp why it was so important. A serious mistake that still has consequences to this day, unfortunately…
/s, obviously
For me, it’s the other way around: I write with my left hand, but I’m right-handed or right-footed when I do sports and I also use tools like a hammer with my right hand.
Neato, thanks! Now I am the master of life and death! Very cool that you can also see how others have decided.
The Trolley Problem meme originates from a philosophical thought experiment that presents an ethical dilemma: whether to pull a lever to divert a runaway trolley, killing one person instead of five. Initially proposed by philosopher Philippa Foot in 1967, it has evolved into various memes that exaggerate the moral choices involved, often depicting ridiculous scenarios to highlight the complexity of ethical decision-making.
I think the strongest brand America has ever had is capitalism™. And I don’t think anything would change in the entertainment industry if America was openly autocratic. I think the US is organized that way for a very long time, just with a veneer of democracy to keep the people somewhat happy.
As a European, I can’t see any difference. It is true that Bush junior - just like his father - shamelessly exploited his supremacy to bring Iraq under his control, but I don’t see what has changed since then.
That’s right. And the US is well on its way. It is unfortunately almost an exact copy of historical events.
Maybe that one?
Edit: They promise this on their website : “We deliver award-winning customer service by empowering our people to recognise the needs of our customers”.
Can you please write a review on Google or something? I would love to know how you would rate the Pelican’s performance in your upcoming battle.
Yes, I realize that this post is less about the trolley problem and its moral dilemma than an allusion to the corresponding meme. And I certainly understand the intended message.
Nevertheless, I think the post is a good example of how the whole discussion about the healthcare industry in the US is currently being conducted: I don’t think it should be about whether vigilante justice is justified in the case of CEOs acting inhumanely. In my opinion, the discussion should rather be about why the healthcare system in the USA is so inhumane and profit-oriented in the first place and not only allows this behavior, but is specifically designed for just that. The question should be how this has come about and how a better (and more efficient) system can be established.
As long as this is not the case, the debate revolves exclusively around the idea that individuals and their greed were responsible for abuses. But this is a systemic problem where there will always be another unscrupulous person to take over as CEO.
Therefore, I think, nothing can change as long as the focus is on individuals and not on the goals and/or the failures of the healthcare system. In other words, as long as US citizens and especially politicians agree that the healthcare system is a business like any other, even vigilante justice directed at individuals will not change anything. Sure, that may help to draw attention to the actual problem. But this problem can only be resolved if the discussion is not about symptoms, but about their causes, namely the healthcare system itself. Or even similarly designed systems for that matter.
Since a healthcare system does not have to be designed in such a way that people inevitably fall by the wayside, this depiction of the trolley problem seems to me to be a pretty US-American thing.
I see it like this: the guy on the lever is also the CEO of a health insurance company and chooses the option of eliminating a competitor, accepting that his even more profit-optimized approach will lead to even more helpless people dying, which would not have been necessary if he had left everything as it was and not eliminated the competitor. The US thing about this is that there is no third option in the first place, where nobody dies because of the healthcare system. This very basic fact is not noticed, addressed or even criticized by anyone. Instead, even those who will die unnecessarily agree with the guy in charge in his decision to sacrifice them on the altar of higher profits because a hated person will die with them - they even agree with his statement that it would be for the greater good, instead of asking why it is even necessary for them to be tied to the tracks and run over.
This seems odd to me, but is probably only logical if you’re used to seeing the healthcare system as a business like any other. I don’t really get it tho.
Any girl who would touch him we would think could lick the arse of a diseased hangman.
Catullus (~84BC - ~54BC) The Carmina of Gaius Valerius Catullus. Leonard C. Smithers. London. Smithers. 1894.
German guy here: What’s with the cult of personality around exceedingly unattractive and politically unappealing people? I’m asking for my grandfather.
Yes, unfortunately the UK has always been much more US-oriented than the rest of Europe, especially when it comes to neoliberal sham rationalization measures like this. I assume that the UK’s exit from the EU has reinforced this tendency once again.
What I mean is that I am not aware of any other country that privatizes state sovereign rights in the way that the US does: If someone is sentenced to prison for any crime, it is a punishment that the state determines and thus usually carries out. In the US, however, it is possible for a private company to enforce the sentence “on behalf of the state”. This is a very US-American procedure which, as far as I know, is not implemented in this way anywhere else. I may be wrong, but where I come from, Europe, this is unthinkable because private companies are not allowed to take on government tasks as important as these - at least not to this extent. Another example is the privatization of the military, as Blackwater, now Academi, and others have been doing for decades in the US (recently also Musk with Starlink). In Europe, this is also a matter for the state and the state alone. Even in Russia under Putin’s regime, private armies are officially illegal, although of course they still exist (not officially tho).
Yes, and unfortunately that’s why the world is the way it is. If empathy, creativity and humility were the values that would take us forward in society, everyone would be better off. But that’s a utopia that will never happen, I’m afraid. Because there will always be people who take advantage of the good nature of others to gain an advantage for themselves. That seems to be human nature - and will also be the downfall of humanity, I think. The tyranny of selfishness, built on the shoulders of good people and only made possible by their ruthless exploitation.