My question is, why are all the other empires not judged to the same standards? Colonialism sucked, but Britain didn’t invent it. Yet they seem to be the only target.
My question is, why are all the other empires not judged to the same standards? Colonialism sucked, but Britain didn’t invent it. Yet they seem to be the only target.
What a pathetic comment. Judge the person not the nationality.
Every country ever has “looted artifacts”, that was literally the point of war for like 4000 years. The vast majority of the British museum’s items were legally purchased. Just like every other gallery in the world.
Would you take Mona Lisa from the Louvre? Obviously italian.
As someone born in Britain, it saddens me to see so much hatred throw around casually.
What about ex military?
Pratchett has hermit elephant’s in one of his books (I think reaper man). It’s not uncommon to wake up and discover you’re surrounded by a small wandering village.
I don’t, tell me.
I for sure will never ‘finish’ this game in the way you can finish things like binding of Isaac. I just love to play it for fun and no objectives in mind when I play.
I don’t really disagree with anything in this, but I still did 30 hours and had a load of fun in 4 days between Christmas and new year. I was constantly expecting some twist with all the fish murder I was doing though.
Plan the activity with a smaller group than you would want initially. Then invite others to an already organized event and rely on fomo to get people to go. Works great.
I focus for 15 minutes as I don’t have time for 4 hours, but then they end and I realize I’ve lost another day.
It’s okay. 2 was a little rough. 3 was really fun. 4 had some great moments but a bit of a letdown. Worth a binge, but doesn’t live up to season 1.
If you have literally no experience at all, I’d pick and choose some great standalone episodes to get started with.
Some ideas: TOS: Balance of terror/Space seed. TNG: Drumhead/Darmok. DS9: The House of Quark/Trials and tribulations (harder to find good standalone episodes as so many of the best are part of the main plot. VOY: Eye of the Needle/The Void.
The 2 parter DS9 and voyager opening episodes are both also pretty good places to start.
Apparently, Tolkien’s dwarven language just naturally works well with a Scottish accent. Earlier radio, tv, readings leant into this and other writings including fantasy dwarves followed suit.
Well, I think it comes down to a fundamental belief on consciousness. If you’re non religious, you probably think that consciousness is a purely biological and understandable process. This is complete understandable and should be replicable. Therefore, artificial intelligence. But it’s hard as dong to do well.
What did they give to vegan torturees?
But hating Germans and hating Nazis isnt the same. The degree of separation is quite important.