Any new tech that emerges should be viewed as either “How will they use it to scrape all my data?” or “How will they sell this to the military?”
Or both.
Eternal shitposter who probably has something more important he should be doing.
Likes: Nice headphones, iPods, Apple stuff, music.
Dislikes: Nazis, Apple
He / Him
Any new tech that emerges should be viewed as either “How will they use it to scrape all my data?” or “How will they sell this to the military?”
Or both.
Assistant to the General Manager.
I love fixing up classic iPods, and as much as I enjoy it, any mention of it comes with “but why?”, then the person asking refuses to understand why I still like using iPods even in this time of streaming music.
Gary Numan is two weeks older than Gary Oldman.
I’m in the middle, downloading lossless music to put on my iPod.