This fucker tore me to pieces back in the day… highly recommend it!
This fucker tore me to pieces back in the day… highly recommend it!
This is a special kind of cursed. Well done.
If tariff checked based on country of origin it wont help.
And that just makes it better!
Think of the possibilities! A teaspoon or 2 of instant coffee in the cup and you are good to go! Garlicy coffee goodness /s
Just buy all the Star Citizen goodies
A Smurfs it looks like
Hey this is pretty cool! Does anybody know why on mobile firefox the gifs slow down when looping? More accurately the framerate drops after the first playthrough. Happens on every gif. Any suggestions?
Waiting to make this call any day now, I’m definitely stealing this
Sorry, my name is Fred, its not meant to be
Picked the game up yesterday. No queues, but the matchmaker is still having trouble filling pubgs. Also running into massive CPU utilization straight at start of game, and with Nvidia recommended graphic settings im getting dips to 25fps in some missions. Hopefully the technical patch is not too far away.
I recommend The Exploring Series. Guy also uploads to spotify
In Finland, during winter, we enjoy making wide openings into an icy lake near the shore, and go swimming in it. Best translation I can find is ice swimming. This is usually paired with a piping hot sauna, and you alternate between the 80-100 celcius hot room and taking dips in the ice water. If no lake/similar body of water is available, rolling around naked in snow is also a valid option.
I mean ibérico ham can be paired with honey melon, that combo works well.
I think it would be just enough to go for those massive diarrhea spasms where you no longer even have anything to expulse but your body keeps pushing. Although I guess it would be cooler to have a Tarantino level spray, choco edition.