Lawful Neutral + Chaotic Evil…
I have so many screens…
Banned from because they are Anti-Semitic
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“and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”
Lawful Neutral + Chaotic Evil…
I have so many screens…
I would build my own hardware if necessary.
I don’t give a shit about cookies my browser just cleans after me and next time i open it everything is like new.
Internet providers, governments and criminals can see what you are doing online, With VPN they can’t anymore.
Thats basically it.
Im not saying we should eat meat all day everyday, we should definitely reduced it or stop that, but not eating any animal products does cause malnutrition (as by above source) and supplementing our everyday life with pills isn’t exactly a great way to live.
Im ok with vegetarianism, im more or less myself, but vegan is something that isn’t suitable for humans naturally.
So even less people working in Healthcare? Because what? They aren’t perfect? Nobody is.
Its actually not good for your health… Also we count lifes as in human lifes.
Man you are defending a place that does not exist.
You don’t have to “consider yourself part of [insert country]” to be part of said country.
That was Britain during that time.
Oh you mean allies of the jews?
So nobody in this world?
Stop shifting the goalposts. Israel is legit and the only way to prevent another holocaust. Their government right now is a different story. And a “Palestine” country doesn’t exist. Its a terrorist organization.
The refugees get sent back to their original towns where they can, taken in by allied nations, or taking land from Germany or other axis power as reparation.
You literally said the allied countrys should take them… They did.
I think you are kinda insane, at the wars end most German soldiers where literally underage, there is no justice in killing them, not the smallest bit.
Sorry but that wasn’t a nation, it was a British colony, your entire point is invalid because they got land from them…
They as in jews in general or the Israeli government? 🤨
No jews actually are considered a “race” because the only way to actually become Jewish is to be born from a Jewish mother.
And other peoples land? You know how many times that place of earth switched hands? How far do you need to go back to “rightfully” own land?
I see so many things hosted everywhere, also is very big as well.
And what should have happened then?
Or do you mean that the entire circumstances of it being necessary shouldn’t have been.
Also… Besides their current government shifting towards being basically Nazis, why not?
Then comes the question who was a nazi? And who just feard them and not spoke up? Look at Russia or China, propaganda is also very much a problem, would you kill a 19 year old because he was in SS after all his life he was told thats a good thing?
I agree that Nazis are absolute garbage, but you can’t justify a genocide with a genocide, same with Japan after WW2 (and they did worse stuff)
Also, whats with the “Commies” from USSR? They where basically the same level of evil. (and yes the Holodomor was a genocide and not the only thing they did)
Sounds like the one that gave you a bj was bad at it.