Tell me you don’t have children without telling me you don’t have children.
Tell me you don’t have children without telling me you don’t have children.
Flesh, clearly.
Anyone who has made ginger bread men and ginger bread houses from scratch understands this. The dough flesh is the same for both.
The real conundrum is why they have bread in their names.
It can vary but being needed is a common one. The feeling that they are helping hold the NPD’s life together.
There is also a reason this person is willing to put up with it. A neurotypical doesn’t trying to understand and forgive the behavior, they just find other neurotypical people to hang out with.
Orbiters of a narcissists, fuel the disease and gain their own validation by being someone else’s fuel. That doesn’t make it healthy.
Or are willing to acknowledge.
You’d think there would be a thinner Ethernet port by now. That standard is several decades old.
the metaphor refers to physicists’ tendency to develop toy models that reduce a problem to the simplest form imaginable, making calculations more feasible, even if the simplification hinders the model’s application to reality.
So like all of quantum mechanics then.
Questioning is also not allowed.
Lemmy is a silly place.
It’s proving to be Reddit without the random intellectuals.
You should have bought a squirrel.
Life isnt a Hollywood movie. The police don’t show up at the penultimate moment during the commission of a crime and save the day.
The police don’t even prevent crime. They show up after a crime has been committed.
Their main benefit is after that crime has occurred when they write the report for your insurance claim.
Silly prole. Why would I read about Marxism on how to play the stock market?
Go be a good cog now and create that surplus value for me to extract.
Has he actually said he’d pardon anyone but himself?
I don’t anticipate him doing anything that doesn’t benefit himself based on his previous behavior.
This is the proletariat view of the world.
For anyone who isn’t just a common wage worker and is aware of how markets work, it is very definitely not the case.
A cog in the machine cannot perceive the machine’s changing output.
I think that’s a different discussion.m. We can make excuses all day for how people end up with extreme views. It doesn’t change anything. The reason it occurs is part of human nature, a weakness that one has to choose to overcome on a daily basis or not. Choosing wrong too often and there might be no way back.
I find this most evident in people who suddenly shift right when they end up in some sex scandal, they move towards the group that is most forgiving of such events and lose themselves in the shift. Russel Brand and Musk are two examples.
Knowledge seeking for the sake of knowledge seeking is something totally different. It requires accepting one knows nothing and despite all the knowledge gather now knows less. It requires a humility that can be uncomfortable.
Few end up adding significant new knowledge. Those who do maintain a humbleness as the recognize the efforts who came before them.
Those who pretend become exploiters, it takes little effort to reveal their search was only ever for loopholes. Those people are another form of extremist.
Stupid people don’t know how stupid they are. They reject the very notion. It’s how one stays stupid in a world with all the world’s knowledge at our fingertips.
Turns out access to knowledge was not a threat to the leaders in history. The very idea they were concerns may be oversold.
Being born in the same town means there is a high chance of it being a relative of the girl and her grandmother.
When I first got my Magic Mouse back around 2018, I swear I could use it while it charged. At the very least the touch surface still functioned but I vaguely recall being able to use the edge of my desk to try it to track. Somewhere along the way they disabled it from connecting while charging.
Microsoft and Nvidia are investing but they are both positioned to gain a return on investment by cloud hosting and hardware sales respectively.
Apple dropping out indicates they saw behind the curtain, did the math and realized they can create their own platform for less.
There is no path to profitability for them. Unlike other recent billion dollar tech companies there are no human workers to squeeze. Hardware doesn’t work for less than minimum wattage.
To summarize: You hate phrasing the indicates solidarity. Further, you feel you are entitled to a specific level of discourse and consider anyone who does not pass this gate you keep to be toxic. To that I say: NO U!
That’s the shape those early phones had. The back was curved until the iPhone 4. Now they are all flat backed.